Leo Kettmeir

Results 194 comments of Leo Kettmeir

The problem with "send after closing" is that it shouldnt even be happening given the JS logic, but i guess there is a race condition with the async ops. we...

@wwoast what is the pattern you are trying to match against?

I was investigating this and came across something interesting: with the sample code of `new URLPattern({pathname: "/url-path"}).exec("http+unix://%2Ftmp%2Ffile%2Esock/url-path")`, running this in deno works (gives a resulting match), but in chrome this...

oh i see. hm unsure how this could be fixed, as `+` is a modifier in urlpattern syntax. whats your usecase for passing the full url as a pattern?

Things can still just be a `Deno.Reader` or `Deno.Writer`, as one can just create an object with the required functions, so having `readableStreamFromReader` & `writableStreamFromWriter` still makes sense.

no, web streams are async

no, as they are promise based on a very deep level; web streams spec adding sync capabilities sounds extremely unlikely

No, the issue was reopened and only got closed because of stalebot; it is still unstable.

I investigates this, and this should not be a concern: https://github.com/snapview/tungstenite-rs/blob/fd96a353005b0a21ebe74a58373c7729a741fda2/src/protocol/frame/mod.rs#L121-L159; it gets the header and checks the size there, and this is stream-based, so it wont read any more...