KissMDA icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
KissMDA copied to clipboard

Create a new Cartridge for SpringFramework 3.x

Open lofidewanto opened this issue 12 years ago • 0 comments

We need to support SpringFramework 3.x with KissMDA cartridge. For this purpose we need to do following:

  • We should use the UML profile from AndroMDA 3.x (SpringFramework cartridge) or oAW 4.x (Fornax SpringFramework cartridge) to be compatible with one of those frameworks. We should discuss this first.
  • We need an example app which uses the created cartridge. We could use the example app from AndroMDA or oAW, depending on what UML profile we want to use.

lofidewanto avatar Aug 01 '12 13:08 lofidewanto