furdown copied to clipboard
Verification process failed, please try again.
Every time I try and log in i get Verification process failed, please try again. Their is no captin loading.
Looks like they've finally broken support for IE11 completely :c
That sucks. Embedding Edge or other Chromium-like is a lot less user-friendly -- one has to either download and install a huge external component, or I'll have to bundle that 100+ MiB monstrosity along with each version of the app. Cookies extraction might also be trickier.
Sadly I don't have a good working solution for this right now. I've done a few tests with nw.js and can't say I'm fully satisfied with that. Well, this might be a good enough reason to cobble together at least something working...
There is a way to import cookies from the environment: https://github.com/crouvpony47/furdown#advanced-options This will let you authorize in a modern browser that still is supported and import the cookies from there, but the process is definitely not user-friendly.