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Javascript modules for parsing, manipulating and plotting seismic data.
Javascript modules for parsing, manipulating and plotting seismic data.
A tutorial with examples of various access and display types can be seen at Also see the wiki.
Install with npm i --save seisplotjs
Seisplotjs is divided into submodules:
- animatedseismograph (source) real time animated seismograph
- areautil (source) area utils, lat,lon point inside area
- axisutil (source) draw title and axis labels
- components (source) simple web components
- cssutil (source) simple util to inject css into web document
- datalink (source) datalink protocol over web socket to a Ringserver datalink server
- dataset (source) load/save seismic data as zip file
- datechooser (source) widget to choose dates and times
- distaz (source) calculates distance between to lat/lon points
- fdsnavailability (source) query data availability from an FDSN availability web service
- fdsncommon (source) common superclass for services following FDSN pattern
- fdsndatacenters (source) query FDSN data center registry
- fdsndataselect (source) query seismograms from an FDSN web service
- fdsnevent (source) query earthquakes from an FDSN web service
- fdsnsourceid (source) parse FDSN sourceId
- fdsnstation (source) query networks, stations and channels from an FDSN web service
- fft (source) discrete fourier transforms via OregonDSP
- filter (source) timeseries filtering and utility functionality via OregonDSP
- handlebarshelpers (source) helpers for use with handlebars, eg in titles
- helicorder (source) helicorder style 24 hour plots
- infotable (source) component to display information about seismograms
- irisfedcatalog (source) query IRIS fedcatalog web service
- leaflet_css (source) standard css for leaflet
- leafletutil (source) create leaflet maps with stations and earthquakes
- miniseed (source) parsing miniseed files
- mseed3 (source) next generation miniseed file format for seismic data
- mseedarchive (source) http access to remote miniseed files in a archive format
- oregondsputil (source) utils for using the OregonDSP package
- organizeddisplay (source) organize more complex displays composed of individual pieces
- particlemotion (source) plot of particle motion from seismograms
- quakeml (source) objects corresponding to elements in a QuakeML xml file
- ringserverweb (source) presentation of data pulled from the web interface of a Ringserver
- sacpolezero (source) parsing of SAC polezero response file
- scale (source) time and amplitude scale change notification
- seedcodec (source) decompression for seismic data, often used from miniseed
- seedlink (source) seedlink protocol over web socket to a Ringserver seedlink server
- seedlink4 (source) seedlink version 4 protocol over web socket to a Ringserver seedlink server
- seismogram (source) objects representing seismograms and timeseries
- seismogramloader (source) uses fdsnstation, fdsnevent, traveltime and fdsndataselect to load seismograms
- seismogramsegment (source) objects representing contiguous segments of seismograms
- seismograph (source) plotting of seismograms
- seismographconfig (source) configuration of seismograph plots
- seismographconfigeditor (source) editor for configuration of seismograph plots
- seismographutil (source) low level drawing functions for seismograph
- sorting (source) sorting utilites for seismic data
- spectraplot (source) plotting of specta output from the fft module
- spelement (source) superclass for some custom elements
- stationxml (source) objects corresponding to elements in a StationXML xml file
- taper (source) tapering of timeseries
- transfer (source) instrument deconvolution of seismograms using response
- traveltime (source) travel times of seismic waves via the IRIS traveltime web service
- usgsgeojson (source) query and parse GeoJson from USGS
- util (source) general utility functions
- vector (source) vector process of seismograms
- version (source) version of this library
Upgrade 2 -> 3
There are many incompatible changes, but the most important are that Seisplotjs 3 now uses typescript, luxon instead of moment, html components instead of inserting into a div, and tries to have a more vanillajs style.
Documentation for previous versions is archived at