feign-plus copied to clipboard
A better feign client library to combine with SpringBoot.
A better feign client library to combine with SpringBoot
Write Feign client with annotation
, like this:
We can provider an interface.
@FeignPlusClient(name = "demo", url = "${feign.demo.url}", port = "${feign.demo.port}")
public interface DemoApi {
String sayHello(@RequestParam(value = "id") Long id);
String id(@PathVariable(value = "id") Long id);
Order create(@RequestBody OrderCreateReq req);
Order query(@SpringQueryMap OrderQueryDTO dto);
Now we can use it as we normally use SpringBoot
@EnableFeignPlusClients(basePackages = "com.example.provider.api")
public class DemoApplication {
private DemoApi demoApi;
@GetMapping(value = "/hello")
public String hello() {
demoApi.create(new OrderCreateReq("100"));
demoApi.query(new OrderQueryDTO("999", "zhangsan"));
return "hello";
public static void main(String[] args) {
SpringApplication.run(DemoApplication.class, args);
- [x] Request/Response/Exception log record.
- [x] Custom interceptor.
- [x] Micrometer support.
- [x] Exception passing.
By default, the request log is logged using the debug level.
For custom interceptor you need to create a bean that extends the DefaultLogInterceptor
Example usage:
public class CustomFeignInterceptor extends DefaultLogInterceptor {
public void request(String target, String url, String body) {
super.request(target, url, body);
public void exception(String target, String url, FeignException feignException) {
super.exception(target, url, feignException);
public void response(String target, String url, Object response) {
super.response(target, url, response);
Exception passing
Custom exception like this:
public class DemoException extends RuntimeException {
private String appName;
private int code;
private String debugStackTrace;
When the provider throws an exception:
public Order query(OrderQueryDTO dto) {
log.info("dto = {}", dto);
if (dto.getId().equals("1")) {
throw new DemoException("provider test exception");
return new Order(dto.getId());
consumer will get a return of HTTP_CODE = 500.
"appName": "provider-demo",
"code": 500,
"message": "provider test exception",
"debugStackTrace": "com.example.provider.api.exception.DemoException: provider test exception\n\tat com.exampl.provider.core.ProviderApplication.query(ProviderApplication.java:49)\n\tat"
Configuring an exception decoder:
public class FeignExceptionConfig {
public FeignErrorDecoder feignExceptionDecoder() {
return (methodName, response, e) -> {
HttpStatus status = JSONUtil.toBean(response, HttpStatus.class);
return new DemoException(status.getAppName(), status.getCode(), status.getMessage(), status.getDebugStackTrace());
then the consumer can catch DemoException
like local call:
try {
demoApi.query(new OrderQueryDTO(id, "zhangsan"));
} catch (DemoException e) {
log.error("feignCall:{}, sourceApp:[{}], sourceStackTrace:{}", e.getMessage(), e.getAppName(), e.getDebugStackTrace(), e);
More configuration
connect-timeout: 11000
max-idle-connections: 520
read-timeout: 12000