
Results 63 comments of crossoverJie 我测试过了,import 是可以支持的,你这里的路径有写对吗?

> Is there any chance that c.messageCh can be nil? Just wondering if we need a nil check around closing it since trying to close a nil channel can cause...

@pgier PTAL, already adjusted. The `regexConsumer` and `multiTopicConsumer` share the same `messageCh` within the same consumer, so they only need to be closed once. This is the reason why `chan`...

@Shoothzj would you mind enabling the workflows and reviewing them?

@shileiyu Yes, I agree. However, there may be careless developers like me who cause the program to run with panic which can even affect the business, this may cut some...

@shileiyu It's a good idea. If `RetryEnable==true` in the Java SDK, a default policy is created.

```java future = ctx.writeAndFlush(response); if (future.isSuccess()) { CicadaContext.removeContext(); } ``` do you mean this? 之前有讨论过,目前只有在业务代码中自行加线程池,后期会考虑框架层支持。

没有写代码压测,用的 [wrk]( 压测的。 ![image](