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Unable to see TV Show episodes

Open greg4168 opened this issue 6 years ago • 42 comments

Hi - since the 5.x versions I've been unable to see any TV show episodes in the TV Shows list. Currently using RC4 with 2.5.9. Log attached.

Thanks kodi.log

Added by Croneter:

For Workaround see below!

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 04:01 greg4168

Did you try a database reset in the PKC settings under Advanced?

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 10:01 croneter

If so, please try resetting again while debug logging I enabled. Then share your log file again as well as the database file "myvideos" from the Database subdirectory of your Kodi user data folder

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 10:01 croneter

Also, I take it you use the "official" Kodi RC4 version from, not a nightly version or something compiled elsewhere?

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 10:01 croneter

Also, did you try a restart of Kodi after the sync was done?

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 10:01 croneter

And lastly - Screenshot please :wink:

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 10:01 croneter

Thanks for your help as always Croneter...great stuff...

Using the official RC4 from Have reset/restarted many times. Happens on all six of my devices (Windows 10, Nvidia Shield, Fire TV).

Log after database reset: kodi.log

Show list: tvshowlist

Episode list: should list 10 episodes: episodelist

Log including switching to shows and episodes: kodi.log

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 13:01 greg4168

Then I need the database file

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 14:01 croneter

Sorry about that. It wouldn't let me update a .db file so I zipped it along with supporting myvideos files:


greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 14:01 greg4168

Could you also please share the Plex database plex.db?

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

DELETED by Croneter

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

Really weird!

Could you please also share the XML info from an arbitrary episode? Using Plex Web, navigate to the info page of an episode. Then hit the three dots ... at the top right, then Information, then Show XML.

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

<MediaContainer size="1" allowSync="1" identifier="com.plexapp.plugins.library" librarySectionID="2" librarySectionTitle="TV Shows" librarySectionUUID="6bb27055-d7ca-4f9b-ba66-0ca051c016dc" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1544804462"><Video ratingKey="3880" key="/library/metadata/3880" skipParent="1" grandparentRatingKey="3875" guid="com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb://281614/4/4?lang=en" librarySectionTitle="TV Shows" librarySectionID="2" librarySectionKey="/library/sections/2" type="episode" title="Just the Fat, Ma'am" grandparentKey="/library/metadata/3875" grandparentTitle="Angie Tribeca" parentTitle="Season 4" contentRating="TV-14" summary="Tribeca is sent undercover to investigate a string of dead models from "Popular Magazine." The only catch, the fingerprints on all of the bodies belong to dead Peruvian men. The remainder of the team heads to Peru to investigate." index="4" parentIndex="4" viewOffset="1109710" viewCount="2" lastViewedAt="1546305702" year="2018" thumb="/library/metadata/3880/thumb/1546229435" art="/library/metadata/3875/art/1546229435" grandparentThumb="/library/metadata/3875/thumb/1546229435" grandparentArt="/library/metadata/3875/art/1546229435" grandparentTheme="/library/metadata/3875/theme/1546229435" duration="1262495" originallyAvailableAt="2018-12-29" addedAt="1546142127" updatedAt="1546229435"><Media videoResolution="1080" id="5656" duration="1262495" bitrate="4690" width="1920" height="1080" aspectRatio="1.78" audioChannels="2" audioCodec="aac" videoCodec="h264" container="mkv" videoFrameRate="24p" audioProfile="lc" videoProfile="high"><Part accessible="1" exists="1" id="5668" key="/library/parts/5668/1546138051/file.mkv" duration="1262495" file="Z:\Downloads\TV\Angie Tribeca\Angie Tribeca-S04E04.mkv" size="740205051" audioProfile="lc" container="mkv" deepAnalysisVersion="2" indexes="sd" requiredBandwidths="7265,5614,5131,5131,5131,5131,5131,5131" videoProfile="high"><Stream id="14361" streamType="1" default="1" codec="h264" index="0" bitrate="4690" language="English" languageCode="eng" bitDepth="8" chromaLocation="left" chromaSubsampling="4:2:0" colorRange="tv" colorSpace="bt709" frameRate="23.976" hasScalingMatrix="0" height="1080" level="41" profile="high" refFrames="4" requiredBandwidths="7139,5488,5024,5024,5024,5024,5024,5024" scanType="progressive" width="1920" displayTitle="1080p (H.264)"/><Stream id="14362" streamType="2" selected="1" default="1" codec="aac" index="1" channels="2" bitrate="126" language="English" languageCode="eng" audioChannelLayout="stereo" profile="lc" requiredBandwidths="126,126,126,126,126,126,126,126" samplingRate="44100" displayTitle="English (AAC Stereo)"/><Stream id="14363" streamType="3" codec="srt" index="2" bitrate="0" language="English" languageCode="eng" requiredBandwidths="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1" displayTitle="English (SRT)"/></Part></Media><Extras size="0"> </Extras></Video></MediaContainer>

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

That was the wrong Plex DB: it's a similar file like the myvideoXXX.db in the Kodi userdata folder.

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

Please share the entire XML - that seems to be only an excerpt

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

Ah ok.

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

This is all that comes up when I click View XML on an episode: image

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

Copy paste everything, not just the "Video" piece 😉

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

<MediaContainer size="1" allowSync="1" identifier="com.plexapp.plugins.library" librarySectionID="2" librarySectionTitle="TV Shows" librarySectionUUID="6bb27055-d7ca-4f9b-ba66-0ca051c016dc" mediaTagPrefix="/system/bundle/media/flags/" mediaTagVersion="1544804462"><Video ratingKey="3880" key="/library/metadata/3880" skipParent="1" grandparentRatingKey="3875" guid="com.plexapp.agents.thetvdb://281614/4/4?lang=en" librarySectionTitle="TV Shows" librarySectionID="2" librarySectionKey="/library/sections/2" type="episode" title="Just the Fat, Ma'am" grandparentKey="/library/metadata/3875" grandparentTitle="Angie Tribeca" parentTitle="Season 4" contentRating="TV-14" summary="Tribeca is sent undercover to investigate a string of dead models from "Popular Magazine." The only catch, the fingerprints on all of the bodies belong to dead Peruvian men. The remainder of the team heads to Peru to investigate." index="4" parentIndex="4" viewOffset="1109710" viewCount="2" lastViewedAt="1546305702" year="2018" thumb="/library/metadata/3880/thumb/1546229435" art="/library/metadata/3875/art/1546229435" grandparentThumb="/library/metadata/3875/thumb/1546229435" grandparentArt="/library/metadata/3875/art/1546229435" grandparentTheme="/library/metadata/3875/theme/1546229435" duration="1262495" originallyAvailableAt="2018-12-29" addedAt="1546142127" updatedAt="1546229435"><Media videoResolution="1080" id="5656" duration="1262495" bitrate="4690" width="1920" height="1080" aspectRatio="1.78" audioChannels="2" audioCodec="aac" videoCodec="h264" container="mkv" videoFrameRate="24p" audioProfile="lc" videoProfile="high"><Part accessible="1" exists="1" id="5668" key="/library/parts/5668/1546138051/file.mkv" duration="1262495" file="Z:\Downloads\TV\Angie Tribeca\Angie Tribeca-S04E04.mkv" size="740205051" audioProfile="lc" container="mkv" deepAnalysisVersion="2" indexes="sd" requiredBandwidths="7265,5614,5131,5131,5131,5131,5131,5131" videoProfile="high"><Stream id="14361" streamType="1" default="1" codec="h264" index="0" bitrate="4690" language="English" languageCode="eng" bitDepth="8" chromaLocation="left" chromaSubsampling="4:2:0" colorRange="tv" colorSpace="bt709" frameRate="23.976" hasScalingMatrix="0" height="1080" level="41" profile="high" refFrames="4" requiredBandwidths="7139,5488,5024,5024,5024,5024,5024,5024" scanType="progressive" width="1920" displayTitle="1080p (H.264)"/><Stream id="14362" streamType="2" selected="1" default="1" codec="aac" index="1" channels="2" bitrate="126" language="English" languageCode="eng" audioChannelLayout="stereo" profile="lc" requiredBandwidths="126,126,126,126,126,126,126,126" samplingRate="44100" displayTitle="English (AAC Stereo)"/><Stream id="14363" streamType="3" codec="srt" index="2" bitrate="0" language="English" languageCode="eng" requiredBandwidths="1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1" displayTitle="English (SRT)"/></Part></Media><Extras size="0"> </Extras></Video></MediaContainer>

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

Weird, the paste cuts it off

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

Safe the text as a file, then upload the file

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter


greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

paha, freaking Plex for some reason does not include the season info in the XML! More here:

On it...

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

U da man :-)

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

OK, I can't really fix this on the PlexKodiConnect side. Until Plex fixes this issue, you need to do the following

Workaround until Plex fixes this issue

Using Plex Web, edit your TV Shows library to Show Seasons



If not all but only some TV shows are missing episodes

Using Plex Web, navigate to the TV show missing its episodes. Hit the edit button at the top right of the screen


In the Advanced tab, make sure that for Seasons either Library default is selected or Show and NOT Hide. Be sure to hit Safe Changes. 2019-04-14_101622

Having changed the Plex settings, you need to reset the Kodi database

In Kodi, navigate to the PKC settings, Advanced. Choose Reset the Kodi database and hit Yes, then No

croneter avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 croneter

Done and fixed after db rebuild. Thank You Croneter!!!

greg4168 avatar Jan 01 '19 15:01 greg4168

Thank you for this croneter. I hope the issue gets fixed soon so user intervention isn't needed.

AzzieDev avatar Jan 08 '19 07:01 AzzieDev

Hi, I'm new to the codebase and having experienced this myself, I thought I'd have a poke around, so please forgive my silly questions :-) I see that if Plex seasons are hidden (for an individual show or for the library) then the parentRatingKey attribute will be missing in the Plex XML response, which means that the episode_data function will return a float:nan for the second key (TV season ID), not None as the parent_id function says, although that may be beside the point. Anyway, I wonder if hacking parent_id to return the grantparentRatingKey attribute when it's an episode with a hidden season will work, or just push the bug somewhere else...?

doctorlard avatar Feb 25 '19 02:02 doctorlard

e.g. something like

diff --git a/resources/lib/ b/resources/lib/
index f3e86c76..b8147751 100644
--- a/resources/lib/
+++ b/resources/lib/
@@ -636,6 +636,10 @@ class API(object):
         Returns the 'parentRatingKey' as a string or None
+        # If Plex is hiding seasons for this show, return show key instead.
+        if self.plex_type() == v.PLEX_TYPE_EPISODE and 'parentRatingKey' not in self.items:
+            return self.grandparent_id()
         return cast(int, self.item.get('parentRatingKey'))
     def grandparent_id(self):

doctorlard avatar Feb 25 '19 02:02 doctorlard

I don't know - did you test it successfully? Pull request are always welcome :wink:

croneter avatar Feb 25 '19 04:02 croneter

Hehee... what's the worst that could happen, right? I'll see if I can have a go by hacking it "in production" and seeing what happens. Worst case is I have to rebuild my Kodi instance from scratch, which doesn't actually take that long. (or back up the ~/.kodi directory I guess)

doctorlard avatar Feb 27 '19 04:02 doctorlard