Vasiliy Kirochka
Vasiliy Kirochka
Does @tayyipcanbay solution work for you @IshaanShettigar ?
Please share the code of VRFCoordinatorMock
The code seem to be ok, which is the result on console when you do `brownie compile` ? also change the name folder from test, to tests.
This is saying that the lottery state is not correct, please check your code again and be sure the state at entering the lottery is OPEN, try to look for...
Hello @JMiddey you have to be sure your npm packages are added to your path (env variables) otherwise they won't be recognized.
same here, trying to find the solution
Thanks @fxop0218
Based on the recent merge please use Goerli instead.
Hello @MathisGreatCode Try using python version 3.8 intead.
Nice suggestion, I'll work on this and post the reference here when is done.