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Ansible playbooks for managing an elementary school IT infrastructure (mostly Windows desktops)
= Using Ansible to manage Windows desktops One of the primary goals of this project is to create a systems management solution that would ease our work, but does not create an extra dependency for the infrastructure. If anything, the systems can be managed by hand individually as before.
As part of this project the following modules have been implemented:
- wakeonlan
- wait_for_connection
- win_defrag
- win_product_facts
- win_shortcut
- win_wakeonlan
== Configuring the system for Powershell Remoting The following actions have to be taken to enable WinRM Powershell remoting.
=== Enable WinRM Start Powershell (Run as Administrator) and run the following command:
WinRM qc
Answer yes on each question asked.
=== Allow Powershell script execution Start Powershell (Run as Administrator) and run the following command:
Enter the policy to be used: +Bypass+
Answer yes when asked to change the policy.
(Or use proper client certificates, which we plan to do)
=== Allow Powershell remoting for Ansible Start Powershell (Run as Administrator) and run the following command:
ConfigureRemotingForAnsible.ps1 -CertValidityDays 3650 -EnableCredSSP
=== Enable Wake-on-LAN (WoL) In order to automatically turn on systems when doing maintenance, we configured the systems to support Wake-on-LAN. Most systems are configured this way automatically, however in some cases they need specific changes to make them work as we like.
=== BIOS settings Boot the system using the F1 key pressed to enter the BIOS.
Inside the (Lenovo) BIOS go to Startup > Automatic Boot Sequence and move the Network entries down using the minus key (-). Ensure that the first entry is the local boot disk.
Save the configuration using the F10 key and select Yes.
=== Windows settings No specific configuration is needed to make Wake-on-LAN work on the Lenovo systems in Windows 10.
== Using Ansible More information is available from:
=== Capabilities The following things we can manage using Ansible today:
- Turn on systems (using Wake-On-Lan)
- Collect information from the system (e.g. Name, MAC address, IP addres, hardware) into a CSV
- Manage energy settings
- Apply system updates
-[Installing and removing software] (incl. everything from Ninite)
- Enable/disable system services
- Apply/merge registry settings
-[Change mouse pointer to Extra Large]
-[Modifying the start menu]
- Setting up International(ization) and Keyboard Layout
- Customize desktop icons
- Defragment filesystem(s)
- Install printer drivers and configure printers
Still need to be implement:
- Missing automation
- Customize start menu (disable tiles, change start menu settings)
- Customize task bar (pinning apps in task bar in specific order)
- Customize system tray
- Customize desktop icons (position desktop icons)
- Missing facts
- Disk information (size, free-space) using win_disk_facts
- Security
- Limit headphone loudness for children
- Run applications as another user with unknown password (should be possible now)
== Instructions Existing Ansible playbooks are available from:
=== Turning on desktops using WoL $ ansible-playbook -k wakeonlan.yml
=== Collect information (creates inventory in CSV format) $ ansible-playbook -k collect.yml
=== Manage software $ ansible-playbook -k provision.yml $ ansible-playbook -k software.yml $ ansible-playbook -k cleanup.yml
== Manage system configuration $ ansible-playbook -k config.yml $ ansible-playbook -k desktop.yml
=== Manage local users $ ansible-playbook -k users.yml
=== Manage RDP and OneDrive $ ansible-playbook -k rdesktop.yml $ ansible-playbook -k onedrive.yml
=== Run everything $ ansible-playbook -k site.yml
== Problems Here is a list of problems today:
Often command line desktop management was an afterthought in Windows, not designed with it in mind.
A lot of (desktop) manipulations require registry edits because out-of-the-box cmdlets do not exist.
Hard to predict how registry modifications will survive Windows 10 updates.
Powershell is a big improvement over cmd.exe, however it feels like Perl 4 (1993) more than anything modern (encountered various inconsistencies and design issues).
Since we have Windows 10 Home OEM licenses, Microsoft's solution (Active Directory and Group Policies) is not an option, and we prefer open tooling and manageable actions.
Microsoft disables WinRM on every Windows 10 upgrade (every 6 months)
== Resources More resources related to Powershell and Ansible-integration below:
=== Ansible
-[Ansible Windows support]
-[Ansible Windows modules]
-[Powershell DSC modules] - DSC community auto-generated modules
=== Powershell
-[Powershell 101 from a Linux guy]