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Implementing a GURPS 4e game aid for Foundry VTT
As I see it, the "damage" workflow in GURPS interacts in 5 broad categories: Basic Damage, Damage Resistance, Penetrating damage, Wounding Modifiers and Injury In order to facilitate parsing and...
With this character, an error is generated. The error is An error occured while importing Gaia Medica, TypeError:t.trim is not a function in foundry.js:58721 [Gaia Medica (Rob).zip](
GCA5 now includes a formatted notes field and an unformatted VTT Notes field. The former field inserts text that looks like this: {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fnil\fcharset0 Microsoft Sans Serif;}}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\f0\fs17 Familiarity: EX-Gear\par} This was...
It appears that GGA doesn't handle Combinations (at least when loaded up from a GCA character sheet). They are listed as skills, but with no skill levels and they also...
Drag and drop of Foundry items between non-GM characters does not work. The item does not appear on the character even though some strange numbers of weight and value are...
When a "Skill Tree" is rolled, like [S:Research-2|S:"Savoir-Faire (Police)"-4|S:Criminology-2|IQ-6], the next message doesn't tell which skill have been rolled. This info would be nice. Not the message "New Target: (9)",...
The damage chat message remembers who was targeted and lets you Apply Damage to the target no matter who the current target is, but the attack roll doesn't remember who...
Is there a way to allow the Mod Bucket to also show your net skill (with all mods as you do them) for a given skill? That way, with more...
It would be fantastic if GURPS Easy Combat (found here: ) could be integrated into GGA. It appears it is no longer being maintained and is a fantastic tool...
Save the last damage roll data just like we do the last targeted roll.