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"An api to go, please." - Make a fake api without a line of code.

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"An api to go, please."

Make a fake api without a line of code for development purposes

Work in progress

I wanna help!

You can help this project by:

  • Taking a look on the desired features below and implementing it.

  • Help/suggestions are appreciated. Feel free to open an issue with any suggestion.

  • Using and giving feedback


There are two motivations that made me create this project:

  • Prototyping SPAs.

    Each time that I need to create a SPA for an API that was designed but still not implemented I need to create my on server to provide the data needed to test.

  • Third Part APIs running locally

    Each time that I have a project that relies on third part apis I have problems to run it locally.

That's why I am working on this app so next time that I need some simple API. I gonna just get an api to go.


It implements a bunch of endpoits by default for you to use.

Json Api

Create a collection file inside the folder, for instance, posts.json with the follow format:

  "data": [
    { "id": 1, "title": "Some post" },
    { "id": 2, "title": "Awesome post" },
    { "id": 3, "title": "Another post" }

Run the apitogo in the same folder:

apitogo run

That's it! Here is your api to go, sir. Try out:

curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/posts


curl -XGET http://localhost:8080/posts/1

It runs by default at port 8080 and for each json file inside the folder it is going to create a endpoint like this:

  • /posts returns all data from inside the file
  • /posts/:id returns an object from inside the file

Authentication API

It implements a basic oauth2 server also you can use for development

  • /authorize for webclients authorizations
  • /token for token requests

Default client_id: 1234 and client_secret: apitogo1234

Future implementations

  • Json API

    • [x] Json endpoint from files
    • [x] Filter by id
    • [ ] Query by parameters
    • [ ] Restfull Api (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE)
    • [ ] Sort
    • [ ] Limit
    • [ ] Follow json:api standards
    • [ ] Graphql support
  • Authentication API

    • [x] Oauth2 (token)
    • [ ] Basic (user/password)
    • [ ] Custom Clients ID/Keys
    • [ ] Login Page
  • Websocket API

    • [ ] Create/connect channels
  • Webhooks API

    • [ ] configure callback requests endpoint
  • Customization

    • [ ] Routes
    • [ ] Schema
  • Distribution

    • [ ] Installation pack for brew
    • [ ] Installation Script for linux
  • Others

    • [ ] Travis


If you want to implement a feature, follow this steps:

  • Fork it!
  • Create your feature branch: git checkout -b my-new-feature
  • Commit your changes: git commit -am 'Add some feature'
  • Push to the branch: git push origin my-new-feature
  • Submit a pull request

Pull Requests are really welcome! Others support also.

Pull Request should have unit tests


This project was made under MIT License.