Cristiano Coelho
Cristiano Coelho
Still broken, why would it be closed?
Sorry, I missed that. I will give it a try to see what happens and report back. I find it odd that a navigation lib also provides a theming solution...
@aforty months after, I still have the same issue. I have tried using the theme prop, and all it does is to show that color right at the end of...
The problem is that the background color should not show at all, as it does with 5.x. With 5.x, the screen fully animates to the edge of the screen and...
The use case is pretty simple, if I set the background to white, I see a white line at the left of the screen for half a second before the...
Observing the same thing. Simple route changes will cause a whole re-render with expensive calculations.
Is there any way to perhaps update it without triggering the re render? With a private API or something. Re working everything to use hash routes is a major effort,...
The goal is to actually affect the URL, so let's say if the user refreshes the browser, the component can restore its state from w/e was stored in the URL....
Actually, updating the hash part of the location will also cause a router re render: ``` this.props.navigate( `${this.props.location.pathname}#${params.toString()}`, { replace: true } ); ```
I did try using the history API, and it works at fist glance. However, react-router ends up out of sync so any code attempting to read from location, queryParams, etc.,...