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Does aconfig support short and long versions of fields?

Open ADRFranklin opened this issue 3 years ago • 4 comments

I'm trying to find out if it's possible that aconfig is able to parse a field that has 2 different uses, a short version (string) and a long version (struct) which provides more detailed version of the overall use.

For example

    - name: example-plugin
      url: github://someuser/somerepo
      branch: master
      release: v1.0.0

    - name: plugin-repo-without-package-file
      url: gitlab://someuser/somerepo
      branch: dev
        name: my_plugin_{{.OS}}
        tag: v2.1.3
        type: archive
        path: plugin/plugin

Would I be able to do this, where I can parse it as an interface and then handle extracting it based on it's type?

ADRFranklin avatar Jun 16 '21 15:06 ADRFranklin

Hi, there is no direct support for this. You can try to make it via interface{} as you've mentioned but no idea how it will be :)

cristaloleg avatar Jun 16 '21 16:06 cristaloleg

Ah okay, I have tried to give this ago, and unfortunately it errors out and doesn't like trying to parse an interface. Would there ever be support for this in the future?

ADRFranklin avatar Jun 16 '21 16:06 ADRFranklin

Cannot say for sure. At first it looks like this feature is against current design (everything must be defined in a clear and 1 possible way), from the other side I'm somewhat open for the proposals.

I'm scared that this feature solves small problem and time/pr/review/support will be much higher.

Probably it's easier to change the config to tag and release for this example and forget about minimisation of the config, wdyt? :)

cristaloleg avatar Jun 16 '21 17:06 cristaloleg

Okay, yeah I will give that a go and see how it goes. I was just trying to be convivence for my users. Thanks for responding.

ADRFranklin avatar Jun 17 '21 20:06 ADRFranklin