album-splitter icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
album-splitter copied to clipboard

Split single-file MP3 albums into separate tracks. Downloads from YouTube supported.


Do you have a music album as a single file (locally or on YouTube), with all its tracks joined together? Do you want to split that album in its single tracks? Do you want to tag these tracks so your music player can get all the required info from them?

This script is for you!

How to install

  • Install ffmpeg
  • Install Python 3
  • Clone/Download this repository
  • cd album-splitter/
    • Use ls (or dir on Windows) to check that you are in a folder containing a
  • python -m venv venv
  • Activate the virtual environment
    • Linux: source venv/bin/activate
    • Windows: ./venv/Scripts/activate
    • You will need to do this step everytime you want to use the software
  • Install the package
    • pip install .
  • You are ready to go!

Quick guide (from a local album)

  • Create a copy of the tracks.txt.example, rename it as tracks.txt and delete the lines starting with #.
  • Open tracks.txt
  • Add tracks info in this format:
    • <start-time> - <title>
    • A track on each line
    • See Examples section, many other formats supported
  • Run the script
    • Basic usage: python -m album_splitter --file <path/to/your/album.mp3>
    • More in the Examples section
  • Wait for the splitting process to complete
  • You will find your tracks in the splits folder

Quick guide (from a YouTube video)

  • Copy the YouTube URL of the album you want to download and split
  • Find in the YouTube comments the tracklist with start-time and title
  • Create a copy of the tracks.txt.example, rename it as tracks.txt and delete the lines starting with #.
  • Open tracks.txt
  • Copy the tracklist in the file, adjusting for the supported formats
    • <start-time> - <title>
    • A track on each line
  • Run the script
    • Basic usage: python -m album_splitter -yt <youtube_url>
    • More in the Examples section
  • Wait for the Download and for the conversion
  • Wait for the splitting process to complete
  • You will find your tracks in the ./splits folder

Output Format

The format of the output tracks is the same as the format of the input (same extension, same codec, same bitrate, ...), it simply does a copy of the codec. If you want to convert the output tracks to a different format, you can do this using additional tools.

For example to convert from .wav to .mp3 you can use FFmpeg. Here is how you can do it on Linux/macOS. This or this might help for Windows instead. You can adopt such snippets to do other processing, such as changing bitrate.


Downloading and splitting an album from YouTube

  • This is the album I want to download and split:
  • I find the tracklist in the comments and I copy that in tracks.txt, eventually adjusting it to a supported format for the tracklist
00:06 - When I Was Young
14:48 - Pretty Little Girl
  • I execute python -m album_splitter -yt "" and wait
  • Once the process is complete I open the ./splits and I find all my songs:
    When I Was Young.mp3
    Pretty Little Girl.mp3

These songs are already mp3-tagged with their track name and track number, but not their author or their album, since we have not specified it.

Splitting and tagging with Author and Album a local file

  • I somehow got the file DogsEatingDogsAlbum.mp3 that I want to split
  • I set the tracklist in tracks.txt (same tracks as before)
  • I execute python -m album_splitter --file DogsEatingDogsAlbum.mp3 --album "Dogs Eating Gods" --artist "blink-182" --folder "2012 - Dogs Eating Dogs"
  • The software will execute, it will split the album, and mp3-tag each track with the author and the album name I passed as a parameter (as well as track number and name). It will also put the files in the folder passed as an argument (instead of putting them in the default ./splits folder)

Supported formats for the track list (tracks.txt)

These are just some examples.

  • [hh:]mm:ss - Title
  • Title - [hh:]mm:ss
  • Title [hh:]mm:ss
  • N. Title [hh:]mm:ss
  • N - Title [hh:]mm:ss

To just see which data would be extracted from the tracklist use the option --dry-run.

Available Options

To get the full help and all the available options run python -m album_splitter --help

Need help?

If you need any help just create an Issue or send me an email at the address you can find on my profile.

Want to help?

If you want to improve the code and submit a pull request feel free to do so.


GPL v3