cri-o-ansible copied to clipboard
"clone CRI-O" task failing
TASK [clone CRI-O] ******************************************************************************************************************************************************
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/git checkout --force kube-1.6.x", "failed": true, "msg": "Failed to checkout kube-1.6.x", "rc": 1, "stderr": "error: pathspec 'kube-1.6.x' did not match any file(s) known to git.\n", "stderr_lines": ["error: pathspec 'kube-1.6.x' did not match any file(s) known to git."], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
fatal: []: FAILED! => {"changed": false, "cmd": "/bin/git checkout --force kube-1.6.x", "failed": true, "msg": "Failed to checkout kube-1.6.x", "rc": 1, "stderr": "error: pathspec 'kube-1.6.x' did not match any file(s) known to git.\n", "stderr_lines": ["error: pathspec 'kube-1.6.x' did not match any file(s) known to git."], "stdout": "", "stdout_lines": []}
Is there a particular version I need to set this to?
I changed this to the latest release of CRI-O in cri-o.yml:
- name: clone CRI-O
dest: /root/src/
version: v1.10.5
#version: kube-1.6.x
Seems to be moving along now.
Can you please merge this change to the master?