golinks icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
golinks copied to clipboard

A Google-like Go short link service


Golinks is an internal URL shortener that organizes your company links into easily rememberable keywords. If you’re on the company network, you can type in go/keyword in your browser, and that will redirect you to the expanded url.

History of Golinks

Benjamin Staffin at Google developed a golink system that introduced the "go/" domain and allowed Googlers to simply use the shortlink “go/link” in their browser. Benjamin described golinks as "AOL keywords for the corporate network."


I developed this to scratch my own itch mostly and to learn Go. It was built intending to be run locally on localhost using a sqllite database. It is meant to be lightweight and simple. I was inspired by @thesephist's tools and the concept of building software for yourself. The backend API is written in Go and the frontend in Vue.js as a single page app.



Go to the releases page and download the latest release. Or, use my own tool: kelp

kelp add crhuber/golinks
kelp install golinks


Setup a path where you want your golinks sqllite database to live and set the environment variable

mkdir ~/.golinks
export GOLINKS_DB="/Users/username/.golinks/golinks.db"

You can also use postgres or mysql database using a valid DSN like:

export GOLINKS_DBTYPE="mysql"
export GOLINKS_DB="user:pass@tcp("



golinks serve

Use the following flags to configure database, port and static folder

  -d, --db string       DB DSN or SQLLite location path. (default "./data/golinks.db")
  -t, --dbtype string   Database type (default "sqllite")
  -h, --help            help for serve
  -p, --port int        Port to run Application server on (default 8998)

All the flags can also be set via environment variables


Run At Startup

To run as an Agent on boot for mac edit and copy the io.intra.golinks.plist file to ~/Library/LaunchAgents directory. See launchd.info

launchctl load ~/Library/LaunchAgents/io.intra.golinks.plist
launchctl start io.intra.golinks
tail -f /tmp/golinks.log
tail -f /private/var/log/com.apple.xpc.launchd/launchd.log


Build image and run

docker build . -t crhuber/golinks:latest
docker run -p 8998:8998 crhuber/golinks

DNS Setup

  • The automatic way: use dev-proxy

  • The manual way:

Add a host record to point to your golinks server. If running locally, edit your local hostfile:sudo nano /etc/hosts       go.internal

Add the host suffix to your search domains. System Preferences>Network>Advanced>DNS>Search Domains:

Search Domains:

Port Redirection Setup

  • The automatic way: use dev-proxy

  • The manual way:

If you have a local instance of golinks running on your machine, you will need to append the port everytime you want to use golinks in the browser ie: go:8998/foo which is not ideal. To get around this we can run a few hacks.

Create an alias for to point to loopback:

sudo ifconfig lo0 alias

To persist this after reboot, edit and copy io.intra.ifconfig.plist to system LaunchDaemons

sudo cp io.intra.ifconfig.plist  /Library/LaunchDaemons/

Create a port forwarding rule to forward traffic destined for to be redirected to local golinks on port 8998

echo "rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to port 80 -> port 8998" | sudo pfctl -ef -

Edit hosts file to modify go.internal to point to       go.internal

Display current port forwarding

sudo pfctl -s nat

Remove port forwarding

sudo pfctl -F all -f /etc/pf.conf


  • How can I see all the links available


  • How do programmatic links work?

    Create short links that inject variables by using {*}. For example: gh/{*} to link to https://github.com/{*}. So when a user types gh/torvalds the {*} will be replaced and the browser will be redirected to https://github.com/torvalds


  • If you change the port of the API. Be sure that you change the frontend index.html to connect to the same port


I use air for live reloading Go apps. Just run

> air

watching .
INFO[0000] Starting server on port :8998


  • Add CLI interface to adding/removing/searching links from command line
  • Browser extension (maybe)
  • UI Refactor


If you find bugs, please open an issue first. If you have feature requests, I probably will not honor it because this project is being built mostly to suit my personal workflow and preferences.