Cesar Gimenes
Cesar Gimenes
Add support to help parameter in goFlag and goEnv
Handle invalid format, especially when the parameter is an integer.
Example: ``` type config struct { a []string b []int c []someStruct } ```
We should switch to golangci-lint. The gometalinter is deprecated and the project archived since 2019.
I believe the test in provision/docker_integration_test.go should be removed. It uses a private Docker image and this makes testing impossible by people without login credentials. @felipeweb any ideas about this?
In order to monitor the processes I suggest that Run() receive a function, this function will receive two *io.Writer as parameters and will be called internally by fnRun as a...
When a process will run in a machine in a IaaS, we have the possibility to reuse the same instance of the machine for other processes if the execution time...
Hypervisor software to control various instances of gofn on different machines. The hypervisor decides which machine will instantiate an image and control execution queues.
Possível race condition no SpedRead.go https://github.com/chapzin/parse-efd-fiscal/blob/master/SpedRead/SpedRead.go#L57 Precisamos ver a melhor forma de limitar goroutines, da forma que estamos fazendo hoje pode causar uma race condition, poderíamos simplesmente usar mutex e...