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A Slack messaging extension for Celery.


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.. |travis| image:: https://img.shields.io/travis/crflynn/celery-slack.svg :target: https://travis-ci.org/crflynn/celery-slack

.. |rtd| image:: https://img.shields.io/readthedocs/celery-slack.svg :target: http://celery-slack.readthedocs.io/en/latest/

.. |codecov| image:: https://codecov.io/gh/crflynn/celery-slack/branch/master/graphs/badge.svg :target: https://codecov.io/gh/crflynn/celery-slack

.. |pypi| image:: https://img.shields.io/pypi/v/celery-slack.svg :target: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/celery-slack

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Celery-slack is a Celery <http://docs.celeryproject.org/en/latest/index.html>_ extension that posts messages to a Slack channel regarding a Celery application, its beat schedule, and its worker task execution. Optionally those messages can link to Flower <http://flower.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>_ task pages.

.. image:: https://i.imgur.com/fDkivP8.png


To use this package you will need a Slack App that is part of your Slack workspace. You can create an App from this page <https://api.slack.com/apps>. This App should have an incoming webhook registered to one of your Slack channels. See Slack incoming webhooks <https://api.slack.com/incoming-webhooks> for more information.


Celery-slack is a python package available on pypi. It can be installed using pip:

.. code-block:: python

pip install celery-slack

Basic usage

The most basic implementation of celery-slack requires a Celery instance object and a Slack webhook corresponding to a Slack channel. A simple example might look something like this:

.. code-block:: python

from celery import Celery
from celery_slack import Slackify

SLACK_WEBHOOK = 'https://hooks.slack.com/services/XXX/YYY/ZZZ'

app = Celery('project')

slack_app = Slackify(app, SLACK_WEBHOOK)

if __name__ == '__main__':

Advanced usage

Celery-slack offers a number of configuration options to customize the look and output of Slack messages. The following are the default options of the extension:

.. code-block:: javascript

    "slack_beat_init_color": "#FFCC2B",
    "slack_broker_connect_color": "#36A64F",
    "slack_broker_disconnect_color": "#D00001",
    "slack_celery_startup_color": "#FFCC2B",
    "slack_celery_shutdown_color": "#660033",
    "slack_task_prerun_color": "#D3D3D3",
    "slack_task_success_color": "#36A64F",
    "slack_task_failure_color": "#D00001",
    "slack_request_timeout": 1,
    "flower_base_url": None,
    "show_celery_hostname": False,
    "show_task_id": True,
    "show_task_execution_time": True,
    "show_task_args": True,
    "show_task_kwargs": True,
    "show_task_exception_info": True,
    "show_task_return_value": True,
    "show_task_prerun": False,
    "show_startup": True,
    "show_shutdown": True,
    "show_beat": True,
    "show_broker": False,
    "use_fixed_width": True,
    "include_tasks": None,
    "exclude_tasks": None,
    "failures_only": False,
    "webhook": None,
    "beat_schedule": None,
    "beat_show_full_task_path": False,

Any subset of these options can be passed to the constructor in the form of keyword arguments. e.g.

.. code-block:: python

options = {
    # Some subset of options
app = Celery('project')
slack_app = Slackify(app, SLACK_WEBHOOK, **options)

Most of the options are self explanatory, but here are some additional details:

  • slack_*_color: The left vertical bar color associated with the slack message attachments
  • slack_request_timeout: The Slack message request timeout in seconds
  • flower_base_url: e.g. https://flower.example.com, if provided, the slack message titles will link to task pages in Flower <http://flower.readthedocs.io/en/latest/>_
  • show_task_id: Show the uuid for the task.
  • show_task_execution_time: Show time to complete task in minutes/seconds
  • show_celery_hostname: Show the machine hostname on celery/beat messages
  • show_task_args: Show the task's args
  • show_task_kwargs: Show the task's keyword args
  • show_task_exception_info: Show the traceback for failed tasks
  • show_task_return_value: Show the return value of a successful task
  • show_task_prerun: Post messages at start of task execution
  • show_startup: Post message when celery starts
  • show_shutdown: Post message when celery stops
  • show_beat: Post message when beat starts
  • show_broker: Post messages when celery/beat disconnect from or reconnect to the broker
  • use_fixed_width: Use slack fixed width formatting for args, kwargs, retval, and exception info
  • include_tasks: A list of task paths to include. If used, post task messages only for these tasks. Uses regex pattern matching. e.g. module.submodule.taskname for a specific task or just module.submodule for all tasks in that submodule. Cannot be used in conjunction with exclude_tasks.
  • exclude_tasks: A list of task paths to exclude. If used, suppress task messages only for these tasks. All other tasks will generate slack messages. Cannot be used in conjunction with include_tasks. Uses regex pattern matching.
  • failures_only: Only post messages on task failures.
  • webhook: The only required parameter. A slack webhook corresponding to a slack channel.
  • beat_schedule: The celery beat schedule. If provided, the beat_init message will display the schedule.
  • beat_show_full_task_path: Show the full module-task path. If False (default) only show submodule.taskname.


Note that Slack has rate limits for incoming webhook requests <https://api.slack.com/docs/rate-limits>_ which is more or less 1 request per second. This extension makes little effort to abide by these rate limits. You should ensure that your implementation of celery-slack does not violate these limits by adjusting your task schedule or restricting the set of tasks which generate Slack messages using the include_tasks or exclude_tasks options.

If a webhook response contains response code 429, celery-slack will suppress all messages for a time period given by the Retry-After response header. Upon returning, celery-slack will post a WARNING message to Slack.