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importing svelte/store doesn't work
As #4 said, importing svelte/store
causes an error.
import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
export const store = writable(0)
When you add import { store } from '$/stores.js'
to any .svelte file... the app crash and gives "NotFound"
By the way, importing from
doesn't work. Same result.
Basically importing doesn't work in a .js
file. And this must be stores.js not stores.svelte! it's not a component
@felixsanz: I'm relatively new as a snel contributor. It seems you explored the details on that pretty thoroughly already. Would it be possible for you to raise a pull request suggesting a solution?
one spontaneous thought from my side was that it might be interesting how what you describe fits together with:
sorry i don't know how to fix it
I was having issues with svelte/store
in addition to typescript transpilation. After migrating to node based svelte, the problem persisted and I discovered that the issue lied in my windows project directory path containing a single apostrophe/quote (ie: C:/some-dir/client's website/proj/
). Changing the directory to a apostrophe/quotation-free path fixed the issue with both snel and regular node svelte. So I guess the problem lies more or less with sveltejs or the preprocessors, not snel.
Give it a shot with the test project below:
If the output site functions correctly, you should see a random 9-digit id that turns into **A SECRET**
after 3 seconds
C:/temp> snel create proj
C:/temp> cd proj
// <!-- "C:/temp/proj/src/sitestore.ts" -->
import { writable } from "svelte/store"
export const uuid: string = writable(Math.random().toString().replace("0.", "").slice(0, 9))
<!-- "C:/temp/proj/src/components/Home.svelte" -->
<script lang="ts">
import { uuid } from "~/sitestore.ts"
export let name: string;
// keep in mind that whenever reading a store value, you must prefix the variable name with a $ dollar symbol
// in the console log below, it would be incorrect to use "uuid" to acquire the value. you must use "$uuid" instead
console.log(`this session\'s id is ${$uuid}`)
<h1>Hello {name}!</h1>
<h1>Your unique id is: {$uuid}</h1>
h1 {
color: #ff3e00;
text-transform: uppercase;
font-size: 4em;
font-weight: 100;
<!-- ""C:/temp/proj/src/App.svelte"" -->
import Home from "~/components/Home.svelte";
import { fade } from "svelte/transition";
import { uuid } from "~/sitestore.ts"
let name = "World";
setTimeout(() => {uuid.set("**A SECRET**")}, 3000)
<main transition:fade>
<Home {name} />
main {
text-align: center;
C:/temp/proj> snel serve