kastree copied to clipboard
add ScriptInitializer
also add the default gradle wrapper
this is something tht came out of trying to kastree with kotlin-scripting the KtFIle can be gotten during the evaluation of scripts and passed to the following function to convert:
open fun convertScript(v: KtFile): Node.Script {
val ktScript = v.declarations.firstIsInstanceOrNull<KtScript>()!!
return Node.Script(
anns = convertAnnotationSets(v),
pkg = v.packageDirective?.takeIf { it.packageNames.isNotEmpty() }?.let(::convertPackage),
imports = v.importDirectives.map(::convertImport),
exprs = ktScript.blockExpression.statements.map(::convertExpr)
i noticed later that kastree does not keep offset data andas such its useless for highlighting code, i still hope this might be useful
@NikkyAI When you say offset are you talking about being able to determine line/column? Does this help? https://github.com/cretz/kastree/issues/16
You could also change the WithExtras to add a way to get the PSI element, which looks to have the data n the text range.
open class WithPSILookup : Converter.WithExtras() {
val nodeToPsiMap = mutableMapOf<Node, PsiElement>()
operator fun get(n:Node) : PsiElement? = nodeToPsiMap[n]
override fun onNode(node: Node, elem: PsiElement) {
nodeToPsiMap[node] = elem
super.onNode(node, elem)
With the above you should be able to do:
or you might want textRangeInParent
@NikkyAI - Thanks! Will look when I can, not using this (or Kotlin) much lately. Also have been avoiding committing gradle wrapper a bit.
@impatient - I suggest an identity map there (well, maybe not, but hash code calc at many levels deep may be expensive), but another option is each Node has a tag
field that you can set w/ offset or PSI info or whatever.