chatter copied to clipboard
cannot install
Hello, I am trying to use your package... on Windows I get this
stack install chatter
Error: While constructing the build plan, the following exceptions were encountered:
In the dependencies for chatter- cereal- must match >= && < (latest applicable is needed for unknown reason - stack invariant violated. What is this?
I'm not very familiar with stack, but I was able to get it to install by updating my global stack.yaml, adding three lines to the extra-deps: setting.
Note that the path to your global-project/stack.yaml will be different; I don't have a windows machine. The error you saw should direct you to this file, though.
# This is the implicit global project's config file, which is only used when
# 'stack' is run outside of a real project. Settings here do _not_ act as
# defaults for all projects. To change stack's default settings, edit
# '/Users/exc20816/.stack/config.yaml' instead.
# For more information about stack's configuration, see
flags: {}
extra-package-dbs: []
packages: []
- fullstop-0.1.4
- tokenize-0.3.0
- cereal-
resolver: lts-8.2
Maybe someone else can help figure out the "right" way to fix this; editing a global config doesn't seem right.
This works yes... can you tell me where I can find example/tutorial?
There is a lot of information about stack here:
However, until chatter (and all chatter's dependencies) are in stackage, this is unlikely to work properly.
I've been looking around a bit, and there are few details about how stack does package resolution for things not in stackage; I'm honestly quite confused that 'stack install
For my packages, you'll probably have better luck just using cabal.
I mean about chatter.
Oh! I haven't really written a tutorial yet, but I have tried to make the API docs pretty simple to follow. They are similar to a tutorial, and you can find all the API docs on hackage:
Start here for POS tagging:
Here for Phrase Chunking:
Information extraction with Parsec is sparse, but there are some examples here:
I don't have any examples for document similarity handy.