Correction: Won't re-connect on Windows 8 also.. Same issue with Windows 10, Windows 8
RESOLVED: I took the advice from SunandMittal.. Starting with release v0.3.2 filename = "BleKeyboard.cpp" Find this line: pSecurity->setAuthenticationMode(ESP_LE_AUTH_REQ_SC_MITM_BOND); Replace the above line to the following from release v0.3.0 pSecurity->setAuthenticationMode(ESP_LE_AUTH_BOND); So,...
Hello mvermand22, I started with v0.3.2, then I changed that line in the code, I did not test this on any earlier releases. I have attached the library that I...
I have the same problem.. I'm not sure how to remove the library and re-install the latest? Does not show up in the Library Manager How do I know what...
Thank you this post.. Since I am new to using Arduino, I tried updating the ZIP library 0.3.2 however, the Android problem was the same so I am not sure...
Is there a reason why it doesn't show up within the Arduino Library Manager? Can you see it within your Arduino library manager?
Note: I am using the ESP32-S3 module, not sure if that is my problem
I have tried the following: v0.3.2beta v0.3.1beta v0.3.0 Works on all operating systems except Android for some reason. On the first Android phone I tested, it wouldn't remember the pairing...
Good News !!! I am not sure exactly what I did differently, however, I removed the ESP32-BLE-Keyboard library, then closed Arduino, then opened Arduino, and installed the library v0.3.0 and...
Hello Sunand Mittal, You mentioned that you changed the "Authentication code"? So, you are using release v0.3.2 and changed this "Authentication Code? Gradually, I tried to undo changes in 0.3.2....