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Kanboard - Customizer adds GUI for logo, favicon and themes

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Customizer - it's like magic!

Author: creecros

Other Contributors

If you need a Logo and Favicon, try using this simple logo generator:

:sparkles: Adds a settings panel Settings>Customizer:


GUI to customize...

  • header logo
    • set header logo size
  • upper right corner Avatar Icon
    • set icon size
    • set border radius
  • task board Avatar Icon
    • set icon size
    • set border radius
  • customizable login screen
    • login logo
    • login page background image url
    • login logo link
    • set login logo size
    • set login page background color
    • set login panel color
    • panel shadow adjustment (no shadow to heavy shadow with color adjustment)
    • panel border adjustment (no border to thick border with color adjustment)
    • add a custom note panel on login screen
  • favicon
  • theme management
    • can upload css files to add to theme selection
    • can remove themes from interface
    • can enable/disable user themes (i.e. one global theme for everyone, or users get to select their own theme)
    • admins can reset all users themes to default
  • theme selector with 7 preloaded themes
    • Github :octocat:
    • Galaxy :milky_way:
    • Breathe :partly_sunny:
    • Clemson
    • Blueboard :blue_book:
    • Material :sparkles:
    • KindaDark :8ball:
  • theme creator your site without any backend coding or config settings.

Want more customization? Take a look at BlueTek's BoardCustomizer plugin

Favicon :beginner:


Header Logo :rainbow:


Header Avatar Icon :boy:


Task Board Avatar Icon :girl:


Login Logo :peach:


Fully Customizable Login Screen :gem:



Login Screen Background Image :dart:


Login Screen Custom Note :book:


Includes Preset Themes :mega:

image image image

:8ball: KindaDark

Theme Creator :notes:



Considerations :smirk:

Will probably not function fully with other CSS plugins that override templates related to layout or headers

Theme Plugins that support Customizer

  • :dash:
  • :waning_gibbous_moon:
  • :computer:

Make pull request to add other theme support, must come from theme maintainer.

Future Enhancements :lollipop:

  • [x] Custom Theme Creator with Color Pickers
  • [x] Preloaded Theme Selector
  • [x] Sizing options
  • [x] Increasing Compatibility
  • [x] Toggle switch to enable/disable cache for images related to Customizer sitewide