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C# source generator for producing faster enum lookups


C# Source generator for enums


Add a reference to the Credfeto.Enumeration.Source.Generation package in each project you need the code generation to run.

            PrivateAssets="All" ExcludeAssets="runtime" />

For each enum in the project, generates a class with the following extension methods:

  • public static string GetName(this MyEnum value)
  • public static string GetDescription(this MyEnum value)

Given an the example enum defined below:

public enum ExampleEnumValues
    ZERO = 0,

    [Description("One \"1\"")]
    ONE = 1,


To get the name and value of the enum values. In release mode this can be practically instant.

ExampleEnumValues value = ExampleEnumValues.ONE;
 string name = value.GetName(); // ONE
 string description = value.GetDescription(); // One "1"
 bool isDefined = value.IsDefine(); // true
 bool isNotDefined = ((ExampleEnumValues)42).IsDefine(); // false

Enums in other assemblies

Reference the following package in the project that contains the enum extensions class to generate.

            PrivateAssets="All" ExcludeAssets="runtime" />

Add an EnumText attribute to a partial static extension class for each enum you want to expose.

public static partial class EnumExtensions

Will generate the same extension methods, but for the types nominated in the attributes.


Benchmarks are in the project Credfeto.Enumeration.Source.Generation.Benchmarks, with a summary of a run below.

Method Mean Error StdDev Median Allocated
GetNameToString 25.5162 ns 0.4146 ns 0.3675 ns 25.5322 ns 24 B
GetNameReflection 37.8875 ns 0.3971 ns 0.3520 ns 37.8542 ns 24 B
GetNameCachedReflection 21.6571 ns 0.4514 ns 0.3770 ns 21.6841 ns 24 B
GetNameCodeGenerated 0.0009 ns 0.0039 ns 0.0036 ns 0.0000 ns -
GetDescriptionReflection 1,380.4979 ns 15.1089 ns 13.3937 ns 1,382.9476 ns 264 B
GetDescriptionCachedReflection 22.8844 ns 0.3856 ns 0.3607 ns 22.8364 ns 24 B
GetDescriptionCodeGenerated 0.0035 ns 0.0057 ns 0.0053 ns 0.0000 ns -
IsDefinedCodeReflection 48.7961 ns 0.9675 ns 1.0352 ns 48.5573 ns 24 B
IsDefinedCodeReflectionCached 21.4452 ns 0.3169 ns 0.2965 ns 21.3938 ns 24 B
IsDefinedCodeGenerated 0.0012 ns 0.0041 ns 0.0037 ns 0.0000 ns -
// * Warnings *
  EnumBench.GetNameCodeGenerated: Default        -> The method duration is indistinguishable from the empty method duration
  EnumBench.GetDescriptionCodeGenerated: Default -> The method duration is indistinguishable from the empty method duration
  EnumBench.IsDefinedCodeGenerated: Default      -> The method duration is indistinguishable from the empty method duration

// * Legends *
  Mean      : Arithmetic mean of all measurements
  Error     : Half of 99.9% confidence interval
  StdDev    : Standard deviation of all measurements
  Median    : Value separating the higher half of all measurements (50th percentile)
  Allocated : Allocated memory per single operation (managed only, inclusive, 1KB = 1024B)
  1 ns      : 1 Nanosecond (0.000000001 sec)

Viewing Compiler Generated files

Add the following to the csproj file:

    <!-- Don't include the output from a previous source generator execution into future runs; the */** trick here ensures that there's
    at least one subdirectory, which is our key that it's coming from a source generator as opposed to something that is coming from
    some other tool. -->
    <Compile Remove="$(CompilerGeneratedFilesOutputPath)/*/**/*.cs" />

Build Status

Branch Status
main Build: Pre-Release
release Build: Release


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