grouped-checkboxes icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
grouped-checkboxes copied to clipboard

Check all checkboxes

Grouped Checkboxes

codecov Build Status GitHub npm React

An easy to use React Component to create a checkbox group with a checkbox to check all checkboxes and a checkbox to check none.


npm install --save @createnl/grouped-checkboxes
yarn add @createnl/grouped-checkboxes


See examples

Live examples:


import React from "react";
import { AllCheckerCheckbox, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from '@createnl/grouped-checkboxes';

const MyGroupedCheckboxes = (props) => {
    const onCheckboxChange = (checkboxes) => {

    return (
        <CheckboxGroup onChange={onCheckboxChange}>
          <AllCheckerCheckbox />
          <Checkbox value="option-1"/>
          <Checkbox value="option-2" />
          <Checkbox value="option-3" />

Note that Checkbox and AllCheckerCheckbox must be inside a CheckboxGroup


  • Multiple AllCheckerCheckboxes and NoneCheckerCheckboxes inside a group
  • onChange callback on group
  • Possibility to nest checkboxes in your own components
  • Possibility to check or disable by default
  • You can do anything with a Checkbox you can do to an input component
  • Fully Typed

Advanced examples

Checking checkboxes

<CheckboxGroup defaultChecked> // Set defaultChecked to check all by default
  <AllCheckerCheckbox checked/> // Error: You cant contol allCheckerCheckboxes individually (will check automatically if necessary)
  <Checkbox value="anything" checked/> // Check individual checkboxes

Disabling checkboxes

<CheckboxGroup defaultDisabled> // Set defaultDisabled to disable all by default
  <AllCheckerCheckbox disabled/> // Disable allCheckerCheckbox, will still check if all checkboxes are checked
  <Checkbox value="anything" disabled/> // Disable individual checkboxes

Real life example (with check all)

import React from "react";
import { AllCheckerCheckbox, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from '@createnl/grouped-checkboxes';

const PermissionsFrom = (props) => {
    const onCheckboxChange = (checkboxes) => {

    return (
        <CheckboxGroup onChange={console.log}>
            <Checkbox value="tos" />
            Terms and Conditions
            <Checkbox value="privacy-policy" />
            Privacy Policy
            <Checkbox value="advertisements" />
            <AllCheckerCheckbox />
            Agree to all

The value of an onChange parameter looks like:

        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "tos"
        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "privacy-policy"
        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "advertisements"

All given props will be accessible.

Real life example (with none-checker)

If you need a checkbox that will check when nothing is checked you can use the NoneCheckerCheckbox. This checkbox can be clicked to uncheck everything else, but can't be unchecked to check everything else.

import React from "react";
import { NoneCheckerCheckbox, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from '@createnl/grouped-checkboxes';

const LunchDeclaration = (props) => {
    const onCheckboxChange = (checkboxes) => {

    return (
        <CheckboxGroup onChange={console.log}>
          <h1>What did you eat for lunch?</h1>
            <Checkbox value="pizza" />
            <Checkbox value="burger" />
            <Checkbox value="fries" />
            <NoneCheckerCheckbox />

The value of an onChange parameter looks like:

        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "pizza"
        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "burger"
        "checked": true,
        "disabled": false,
        "value": "fries"

Note that the value of the NoneCheckerCheckbox will not be passed.

Accessing the native input

The Checkbox, AllCheckerCheckbox and NoneCheckerCheckboxes are nothing more than controlled native input elements and uses the forwardRef function for you to pass your ref to. This enables you to control the DOM node and for example focus on the element.

import React from "react";
import { AllCheckerCheckbox, Checkbox, CheckboxGroup } from '@createnl/grouped-checkboxes';

const MyGroupedCheckboxes = (props) => {
    const checkboxRef = React.createRef();

    React.useEffect(() => {
        if (checkboxRef.current) {
            // Focus on the input element
    }, [checkboxRef])

    return (
          <AllCheckerCheckbox />
          <Checkbox ref={checkboxRef} value="option-1"/>
          <Checkbox value="option-2" />
          <Checkbox value="option-3" />