un-material-tab icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
un-material-tab copied to clipboard

(deprecated) Custom tab layout which can be used as a material TabLayout alternative and contains basic functionality which Google's TabLayout has.

(deprecated) un-material-tab library

I don't have time to maintain this. I basically wrote this small library in a rush, without tests, while working on my own project as a beginner. As a result, there's a lot of things that aren't that great as well as the missing features. Don't really know if I would have some time to finish it completely.

I'd recommend you to use the official TabLayout from Google or another 3rd party library.

If someone wants to pick up where I left off, make a fork of this, notify me and I'll link to your repo here.

A customizable alternative of TabLayout from Support Design library which provides almost the same functionality.

Currently working on

  • [x] RoundTabLayout#onTabSelected & RoundTabLayout#onTabReselected callbacks
  • [x] reducing number of GPU view updates
  • [ ] new tab animations

If you have any suggestions - feel free to open an issue.

How to add?

I. In your build.gradle file add the following dependency:

dependencies {
    compile 'com.ruslankishai:unmaterialtabs:0.1a'

II. Declare RoundTabLayout inside your layout.xml file:

            app:accent="@color/colorAccent" />

III. Declare RoundTabLayout with ViewPager in your 'class.java':

ViewPager viewPager = (ViewPager) findViewById(R.id.viewPager);

//set adapter to your ViewPager
viewPager.setAdapter(new TabPagerAdapter(getFragmentManager()));

RoundTabLayout tabLayout = (RoundTabLayout) findViewById(R.id.roundTabLayout);

IV. Override you getPageTitle method in your ViewPager’s adapter to return tab title.

public CharSequence getPageTitle(int position) {  
     switch (position) {
          case 0:
               return "First item";

How to customize?

I. In your layout.xml file you can set a few attributes to RoundedTabLayout:

  • android:background
    • This attribute works just like usual background attribute (reference to a color).
  • app:accent
    • This attribute allows you to set accent color for tab selection, stroke and text (reference to a color).
  • app:cornerRadius
    • This attribute sets the tab corner radius. Possible values are:
      • circle (default)
      • rounded
      • rectangle
      • value in px from 0 to 50

II. In your class.java you can set some values to customize specific tab:

  • Use RoundTab#setIcon method to change icon. You can get RoundTab object via RoundTabLayout#getTab method which accept tab index as parameter. To enable tab icon, you should also use RoundTab#setHasIcon.
//after initializing RoundTabLayout and ViewPager
RoundTab tab = tabLayout.getTab(0);
Drawable icon = getResources().getDrawable(R.drawable.globe);
//enable icon in current tab

//repeat this code for another tabs
  • To disable tab stroke use RoundTab#setHasStroke method.
//after initializing RoundTabLayout and ViewPager
RoundTab tab = tabLayout.getTab(0);
  • To change corners radius use RoundTab#setCornerRadius which accept values from 0 to 50 as a parameter.
//after initializing RoundTabLayout and ViewPager
RoundTab tab = tabLayout.getTab(0);
  • To change tab text use RoundTab#setText which accept String as a parameter.
//after initializing RoundTabLayout and ViewPager
RoundTab tab = tabLayout.getTab(0);
tab.setText(“Usage example”);

Where is un-material-tab demo app?

The app works just as an example of usage with different options. Will be uploaded to Play Store sooner.

What about contributions?

This is my first public repo and first library so I’m trying to keep this code as much clean and well-commented as I can. Feel free to contribute :)


Copyright (C) 2017 Ruslan Kishai

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at


Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
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