Colm O'Connor
Colm O'Connor
In general I'm a bit skeptical of doing this. Let's say you have "special" key "recommended:", if you do this having the key "recomended: " is going to be valid....
Yikes, that's not good. I'll take a look. Thanks for reporting this! On Mon, 15 Oct 2018, 16:00 Vitaly Potyarkin, wrote: > StrictYAML dumps empty dictionary as {} which it...
Hmm, I think I'm inclined to raise an exception in as_document in this case and refuse to accept dicts unless they have at least one item - since without a...
I see two solutions here: 1) My recommended one would be to implement a schema in strictyaml and modify the YAML object directly. You can use the EmptyDict | Map/MapPattern...
Yes, I'll update the docs along with the release. This is an important edge case. I could also investigate generating StrictYAML schemas from JSON schema. It's been requested before. I've...
Release 0.14.0 took a little longer than I expected, but it's out now. An exception is raised if you attempt to serialize empty dicts or lists: However, you can...
I've made a start here, but it's quite MVP: It would help if you let me know which types and what properties on those types you need from here:...
Definitely up for this in the hardened spec. On Sat, 2 May 2020, 07:52 Evgeniy Reizner, wrote: > list: > - value1 > - value2 > > will be parsed...
Hi @worldmind I have a documentation page on why I don't define schemas in YAML : I do think that the base should be ported to other languages -...
No, I think that they can but I can't see a way of creating a *language independent* schema without sacrificing flexibility and/or strictness. For instance in strictyaml you can: *...