cloudwatch-to-graphite copied to clipboard
Helper for pushing AWS CloudWatch metrics to Graphite
.. image:: :target:
Cloudwatch-to-Graphite (leadbutt) is a small utility to take metrics from CloudWatch to Graphite.
Install using pip::
pip install cloudwatch-to-graphite
Configuring boto
Cloudwatch-to-Graphite uses `boto`_, so make sure to follow its `configuration
instructions`_. The easiest way to do this is to set up the
``AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID`` and ``AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY`` environment variables.
.. _configuration instructions:
Configuration Files
If you have a simple setup, the easiest way to get started is to set up a
config.yaml. You can copy the included config.yaml.example. Then just run::
If you have several configs you want to switch between, you can specify a
custom configuration file::
leadbutt --config-file=production.yaml -n 20
You can even generate configs on the fly and send them in via stdin by setting
the config file to '-'::
generate_config_from_inventory | leadbutt --config-file=-
There's a helper to generate configuration files called ``plumbum``. Use it like::
plumbum [-r REGION] [-f FILTER] [--token TOKEN] template namespace
Namespace is the CloudWatch namespace for the resources of interest; for example ``AWS/RDS``.
The template is a Jinja2 template. You can add arbitrary replacement tokens, eg ``{{ replace_me }}``, and then
pass in values on the CLI via ``--token``. For example, if you called::
plumbum --token replace_me='hello, world' sample_templates/rds.yml.j2 AWS/RDS
You would get all instances of ``{{ replace_me }}`` in the templace replaced with ``hello, world``.
You can pass simple ``key=value`` filters in to ``plumbum``; be aware of the limitations:
* the filters run against whatever the AWS API has returned; if you have a lot of objects of whatever type, expect the API request to take a while.
* they work only against object attributes and tags returned by the API. For example, RDS and ELB objects can be tagged, but as getting the tags is a per-object subrequest; ``plumbum`` does not do those, so you can only filter on the object attributes.
Example: ``plumbum -f Name=my-dev-instance sample_templates/ec2.yml.j2 ec2``
Sending Data to Graphite
If your graphite server is at graphite.local, you can send metrics by chaining with netcat::
leadbutt | nc -q0 graphite.local 2003
Or if you want to use UDP::
leadbutt | nc -uw0 graphite.local 2003
If you need to namespace your metrics for a hosted Graphite provider, you could provide a custom formatter, but the easiest way is to just run the output through awk::
leadbutt | \
awk -v namespace="$HOSTEDGRAPHITE_APIKEY" '{print namespace"."$0}' | \
nc -uw0 2003
Customizing Your Graphite Metric Names
Set the ``Formatter`` option to set the template used to generate Graphite
metric names. I wasn't sure what should be default, so I copied
`cloudwatch2graphite`_'s. Here's what it looks like::
TitleCased variables come directly from the YAML configuration, while lowercase
variables are derived:
* **statistic** -- the current statistic since ``Statistics`` can be a list
* **dimension** -- the dimension value, e.g. "i-r0b0t" or "my-load-balancer"
The format string is Python's `%-style <>`_.
What metrics are pulled is in a YAML configuration file. See the example
config.yaml.example for an idea of what you can do.
See: : `Contributing <CONTRIBUTING.rst\_>`__.
Useful References
* `CloudWatch Reference <>`_
* `boto CloudWatch docs <>`_
Prior Art
Cloudwatch-to-Graphite was inspired by edasque's `cloudwatch2graphite`_. I was
looking to expand it, but I wanted to use `boto`_.
.. _cloudwatch2graphite:
.. _boto: