docker-rtorrent-rutorrent copied to clipboard
Custom method.set_key = not running
I am trying to run a script when torrents finish to tell sickchill that it's time to post process a download. I can't seem to edit the method.set_key = to trigger a custom script.
Is there any way to test this? I've been editing the .rtorrent.rc file and re-deploying the docker container with the new config but I am not seeing anything happen.
This is what is in my .rtorrent.rc
method.set_key =,TorrentToMedia,"execute=/usr/bin/python3,/data/rtorrent/scripts/nzbToMedia-master/,$d.base_path=,$,$d.custom1=,$d.hash="
This is what is in my .rtorrent.rc
This is your full .rtorrent.rc
file content?
Any logs?
I’m having the same issue with both :latest and :edge
My .rtorrent.rc within the volume that resolves to /data/rtorrent/ is as follows, mostly the default until the last few lines and some bits disabled
throttle.min_peers.normal.set = 1
throttle.max_peers.normal.set = 100
# Same as above but for seeding completed torrents (-1 = same as downloading)
throttle.min_peers.seed.set = 1
throttle.max_peers.seed.set = 50
# Maximum number of simultanious uploads per torrent
throttle.max_uploads.set = 15
# Global upload and download rate in KiB. "0" for unlimited
throttle.global_down.max_rate.set_kb = 0
throttle.global_up.max_rate.set_kb = 0
# Enable DHT support for trackerless torrents or when all trackers are down
# May be set to "disable" (completely disable DHT), "off" (do not start DHT),
# "auto" (start and stop DHT as needed), or "on" (start DHT immediately)
#dht.mode.set = auto
# Enable peer exchange (for torrents not marked private)
protocol.pex.set = yes
# Check hash for finished torrents. Might be usefull until the bug is
# fixed that causes lack of diskspace not to be properly reported
pieces.hash.on_completion.set = yes
# Set whether the client should try to connect to UDP trackers
#trackers.use_udp.set = yes
# Set the max amount of memory address space used to mapping file chunks. This refers to memory mapping, not
# physical memory allocation. Default: 1GB (max_memory_usage)
# This may also be set using ulimit -m where 3/4 will be allocated to file chunks
#pieces.memory.max.set = 1GB
# Alternative calls to bind and ip that should handle dynamic ip's
#schedule2 = ip_tick,0,1800,ip=rakshasa
#schedule2 = bind_tick,0,1800,bind=rakshasa
# Encryption options, set to none (default) or any combination of the following:
# allow_incoming, try_outgoing, require, require_RC4, enable_retry, prefer_plaintext
protocol.encryption.set = allow_incoming,try_outgoing,enable_retry
# Set the umask for this process, which is applied to all files created by the program
system.umask.set = 0022
# Add a preferred filename encoding to the list
encoding.add = UTF-8
# Watch a directory for new torrents, and stop those that have been deleted
#schedule2 = watch_directory, 1, 1, (cat,"load.start=",(,"*.torrent")
#schedule2 = untied_directory, 5, 5, (cat,"stop_untied=",(,"*.torrent")
# Close torrents when diskspace is low
schedule2 = monitor_diskspace, 15, 60, ((close_low_diskspace,1000M))
# Move finished (no need Autotools/Automove plugin on ruTorrent)
#method.insert = d.get_finished_dir, simple, "cat=$cfg.download_complete=,$d.custom1="
#method.insert = d.move_to_complete, simple, "$argument.1=; execute=mkdir,-p,$argument.1=; execute=mv,-u,$argument.0=,$argument.1=; d.save_full_session="
#method.set_key =,move_complete,"d.move_to_complete=$d.data_path=,$d.get_finished_dir="
method.set_key =, "execute2={ls -Al /data/,>,/data/test.log}"
# Erase data when torrent deleted (no need erasedata plugin on ruTorrent)
method.set_key =,delete_erased,"execute=rm,-rf,--,$d.data_path="
dht.mode.set = on
trackers.use_udp.set = yes
method.set = group.seeding.ratio.command, "d.close= ; execute2={sh,/data/,$d.base_path=,$d.custom1=,$d.is_multi_file=} ; d.erase="
This works on a directly installed, non docker, rtorrent in this way, it needs the ratio parts for the script from what I can tell. If I connect into the docker container the file is definitely at that path and does run manually
All I get in rtorrent logs is this
1675288745 N rtorrent main: Starting thread.
1675408368 N rtorrent scgi: Shutting down thread.
1675408368 N rtorrent main: Shutting down thread.
1675408368 N rtorrent disk: Shutting down thread.
Do you need anything else?
updated to correct multi line code block
Multiline code must be between 3 backticks ```
Select all lines, then click Add code
@HuwSy Multiline code must be between 3 backticks ``` Select all lines, then click
Add code
Thanks. Fixed that now and learnt something new :)
I've been editing the .rtorrent.rc file and re-deploying the docker container with the new config but I am not seeing anything happen.
This is what is in my .rtorrent.rc
method.set_key =,TorrentToMedia,"execute=/usr/bin/python3,/data/rtorrent/scripts/nzbToMedia-master/,$d.base_path=,$,$d.custom1=,$d.hash="
Change execute
to execute2
as said here :
method.set_key =, "execute2={ls -Al /data/,>,/data/test.log}"
You didn't write the key. See your previous line has a key named move_complete
rtorrent doc states :
method.set_key = ‹name›, ‹key›[, ‹definition›] 0
method.set_key =, "execute2={ls -Al /data/,>,/data/test.log}"
You didn't write the key. See your previous line has a key named move_complete
rtorrent doc states :
method.set_key = ‹name›, ‹key›[, ‹definition›] 0
Mine turns out to be my own fault. I had been locking down permissions and impacted my config directory. The give away should have been my logs never changing but I didn’t even notice they were stuck until I looked at the dates.
Oddly method.set =
Hi, also have this issue.
method.set_key =, test, "execute={echo $ > /data/log.txt}"
echo $ > /data/log.txt
--- Error ---
Have you read the thread ? Hint :