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Elasticsearch Timebased Facets

===================== Elasticsearch Plugins

.. note::

This project is not maintained anymore and is now superseded by crate - see https://github.com/crate/crate

Distinct Date Histogram Facet

This facet counts distinct values for string and numeric fields.


    "query" : {
        "match_all" : {}
    "facets" : {
        "distinct" : {
            "distinct_date_histogram" : {
                "field" : "field_name",
                "value_field" : "value_field_name",
                "interval" : "day"


"distinct":{ "_type":"distinct_date_histogram", "entries":[ "{"time":950400000,"count":2}, "{"time":1555200000,"count":3} ], "count":4 }

The "count" is the number of distinct values in the time period. The outer "count" is the number of total distinct values.

Works like the "date_histogram" with these exceptions:

- value_field is mandatory
- value_field must be of type String or Numeric
- no value_script

"Latest" Facet

This facet collapses matching documents to key_field and uses only the document with the highest value of ts_field. The result is always sorted on descending value_field.


{"query": { "match_all":{}}, "facets": { "l": { "latest": { "size": 100, "start": 50, "key_field": "mykey", "value_field": "num_comments", "ts_field": "created_at" } } }}


"facets" : { "l" : { "_type" : "latest", "total": 25, "entries" : [ { "value" : 52127, "key" : 5758683603492929880, "ts" : 1325577893000 }, { "value" : 14980, "key" : 5758683371564695759, "ts" : 1325447138000 }, { "value" : 10392, "key" : 5758683603492929669, "ts" : 1325577885000 } ] } }

Restrictions of the "Latest" facet

Documents need to be routed in a way that the same values of key_field are on the same shard. This can be accomplished by setting the _routing attribute upon indexing. This is needed for performance reasons, so the fields can be collapsed per shard.

Currently the key_field and ts_field need to be longs, while the value_field is required to be of type Numeric.


  • Clone this repo with git clone [email protected]:crate/elasticsearch-timefacets-plugin.git
  • Checkout the tag (find out via git tag) you want to build with (possibly master is not for your elasticsearch version)
  • Run: mvn clean package -DskipTests=true – this does not run any unit tests, as they take some time. If you want to run them, better run mvn clean package
  • Install the plugin: /path/to/elasticsearch/bin/plugin -install elasticsearch-timefacets-plugin -url file:///$PWD/target/releases/elasticsearch-timefacets-plugin-$version.jar


To use this project with maven follow the steps described at https://github.com/lovelysystems/maven


The distributionManagement section in the pom contains the actual repository urls on github. It will lead to an error if you try to deploy to those urls, because these are no Maven API endpoints, where maven could upload the artifacts.

So to deploy to the Lovely Systems Maven repository first clone https://github.com/lovelysystems/maven to your local machine and set the deployment target location on the commandline like this::

mvn -DaltDeploymentRepository=repo::default::file:../maven/releases clean deploy

After deployment simply commit the changes in the maven repository project and push.

This approach was take from the very useful blog entry at http://cemerick.com/2010/08/24/hosting-maven-repos-on-github/