This is very simple to do it with this lib, just read delegates and if you are developer you undestend On drag complete delegate you have Drop and Drag models...
Thanks developer for this great lib
Make it for CocoaPods too seems like it is only for SPM
Not working with CocoaPods
Why it is still not in production? And how to use it now in SPM?
@vetrek is it allows to work and test VPN on simulator? Or it is allows just to build with stubs without working functionality?
Yes, it needs to check if value is negative and invert values. One moment I will check if it is fast - I will push
Okay, it was not so fast, but I did it This is not case for my project, but hope this will help you and others! Pull request is now even...
1) bottom of Bars also with CornerRadius, when usually it is only on top. Need to make for every edge 2) Selection highlight without corners
@gabors it is popular design when bars in bottom starts without corner radius, and on the top corners is rounded