IRremoteESP8266 copied to clipboard
GYKQ-52 TCl112AC remote is detected as various model depending on the mode
Version/revision of the library used
Describe the bug
GYKQ-52 TCl112AC remote (e.g.: is detected as various model depending on the mode: Cool mode: TAC09CHSD Dry mode: TAC09CHSD Fan mode: TAC09CHSD Heat mode: GZ055BE1 Auto mode: GZ055BE1
It seems that the bit 7 of byte 12 is changing mode by mode and fools the IRTcl112Ac::isTcl
function. It is annoying because some status element in not displayed by IRTcl112Ac::toString
in Heat and Auto modes.
To Reproduce
- Compile and upload IRrecvDumpV2
- Set modes an see the output
Example code used
Expected behaviour
The type of remote does not change
Output of raw data from IRrecvDumpV2.ino or V3 (if applicable)
Timestamp : 001039.412
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB260100240808400000000089 (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 2 (GZ055BE1), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 8 (Auto), Temp: 23C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3038, 1652, 492, 1068, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 318, 500, 326, 492, 1070, 496, 1066, 498, 320, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 1060, 494, 1076, 500, 320, 500, 1062, 492, 1070, 496, 324, 494, 324, 496, 1068, 496, 322, 496, 330, 500, 1062, 492, 328, 492, 328, 492, 328, 500, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 328, 492, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 318, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 328, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 1062, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 494, 332, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 320, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 320, 500, 320, 498, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 322, 498, 324, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 326, 492, 334, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 1064, 470}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x08, 0x08, 0x40, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x89};
Timestamp : 001045.981
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB2601002403080000000080C4 (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 1 (TAC09CHSD), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 3 (Cool), Temp: 23C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), Swing(H): Off, Econo: Off, Health: Off, Turbo: Off, Light: On, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3036, 1652, 502, 1060, 494, 1068, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 498, 322, 498, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 1068, 496, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 1064, 502, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 1064, 500, 1062, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 1070, 494, 324, 494, 332, 498, 1064, 500, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 1062, 492, 328, 502, 324, 494, 1068, 498, 1066, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 498, 328, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 332, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 492, 334, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 328, 492, 328, 502, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 328, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 1068, 496, 322, 496, 324, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 500, 1064, 470}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x03, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC4};
Timestamp : 001047.309
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB2601002402080000000080C3 (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 1 (TAC09CHSD), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 2 (Dry), Temp: 23C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), Swing(H): Off, Econo: Off, Health: Off, Turbo: Off, Light: On, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3030, 1660, 494, 1068, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 320, 498, 1064, 492, 328, 502, 326, 494, 1068, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 500, 1062, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 1076, 500, 318, 500, 1062, 492, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 498, 322, 498, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 326, 492, 328, 490, 330, 500, 318, 500, 318, 500, 322, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 328, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 1062, 492, 328, 492, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 494, 332, 496, 324, 494, 1066, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 1066, 498, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 330, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 332, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 324, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 492, 334, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 500, 318, 502, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 490, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 1072, 494, 1068, 498, 1064, 500, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 1064, 490, 1072, 472}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x02, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xC3};
Timestamp : 001048.492
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB2601002407080500000080CD (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 1 (TAC09CHSD), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 7 (Fan), Temp: 23C, Fan: 5 (High), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), Swing(H): Off, Econo: Off, Health: Off, Turbo: Off, Light: On, On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3032, 1658, 496, 1066, 498, 1062, 492, 328, 492, 328, 502, 318, 500, 1062, 494, 326, 494, 334, 496, 1066, 500, 1062, 492, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 1068, 496, 1072, 492, 328, 492, 1070, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 500, 326, 492, 1070, 496, 322, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 334, 494, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 490, 328, 502, 318, 502, 324, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 1072, 494, 324, 494, 326, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 332, 498, 1062, 492, 1070, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 1064, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 328, 502, 1060, 496, 324, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 332, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 326, 492, 326, 494, 334, 494, 324, 494, 326, 494, 324, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 326, 494, 326, 492, 328, 490, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 320, 498, 328, 492, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 1072, 494, 1068, 496, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 1062, 492, 326, 492, 328, 492, 1070, 496, 1068, 466}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x07, 0x08, 0x05, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x80, 0xCD};
Timestamp : 001049.989
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB260100240108000000000042 (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 2 (GZ055BE1), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 1 (Heat), Temp: 23C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3034, 1654, 500, 1062, 492, 1070, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 1068, 496, 324, 496, 330, 500, 1062, 492, 1070, 496, 324, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 1070, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 500, 1062, 492, 326, 502, 318, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 494, 334, 496, 1066, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 330, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 494, 334, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 1066, 498, 320, 498, 322, 496, 1064, 502, 318, 500, 326, 492, 1070, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 326, 492, 334, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 1068, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 334, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 328, 492, 336, 494, 324, 494, 326, 492, 328, 492, 328, 492, 328, 500, 318, 502, 318, 500, 328, 492, 328, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 328, 500, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 332, 498, 322, 496, 1064, 502, 318, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 322, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 470}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x01, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x42};
Timestamp : 001051.165
Library : v2.8.4
Protocol : TCL112AC
Code : 0x23CB260100240808000000000049 (112 Bits)
Mesg Desc.: Model: 2 (GZ055BE1), Type: 1, Power: On, Mode: 8 (Auto), Temp: 23C, Fan: 0 (Auto), Swing(V): 0 (Auto), On Timer: Off, Off Timer: Off
uint16_t rawData[227] = {3030, 1660, 494, 1066, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 320, 500, 1062, 494, 326, 492, 308, 522, 1066, 500, 1062, 502, 318, 500, 1062, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 1070, 496, 1074, 492, 328, 502, 1060, 496, 1066, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 1066, 500, 318, 500, 328, 490, 1070, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 328, 502, 326, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 328, 490, 328, 490, 328, 502, 1060, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 1070, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 498, 1064, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 328, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 1064, 492, 328, 502, 318, 500, 318, 500, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 502, 318, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 328, 502, 318, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 330, 498, 320, 500, 320, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 332, 498, 322, 498, 322, 498, 322, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 334, 496, 324, 496, 324, 496, 324, 494, 326, 494, 326, 492, 326, 492, 328, 492, 336, 494, 1068, 498, 322, 496, 322, 496, 1066, 500, 320, 498, 320, 498, 1064, 502, 318, 468}; // TCL112AC
uint8_t state[14] = {0x23, 0xCB, 0x26, 0x01, 0x00, 0x24, 0x08, 0x08, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x49};
What brand/model IR demodulator are you using?
Circuit diagram and hardware used (if applicable)
TSOP34834 on D5 pin of a NodeMCU V2
I have followed the steps in the Troubleshooting Guide & read the FAQ
Has this library/code previously worked as expected for you?
Not tested before.
Other useful information
It was tested with more remote controllers with same results.
Is that an original remote? Or just a clone that works with your AC?
Yes, this remote model was shipped with both of my AC units. I tested them, and the results same as above.
Please see #1486 for some history.
So, if _.isTcl
is not good enough to use as a model differentiator we need to come up with another way to tell the two protocols apart.
Can you please look over the state[]
data and compare it with:
To see if there is some other bit, bits or pattern we can use to tell the two message formats apart.
#1486 #619 & ir_Tcl_test.cpp hopefully contain enough data to compare with. It's all the data we have.