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Class notes, code snippets, assignments, reading material for the full stack classroom batch of July 2019

Crampete Full Stack Classroom

Batch - July, 2019

Homework, resources, code snippets, live projects and learning hacks can be found in the respective day folders.


  • Extra Resources
  • Project Selection
  • Goals


  • Day 5 & Day 6

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Logistics
    • Resources and Learning Hacks
    • Code
  • Day 7

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Logistics
    • Code
  • Day 8

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 9

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 10

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 11

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 12

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 17 & Day 18

    • Overview
    • Homework
    • Code
  • Day 19 & Day 20

  • Day 21 & Day 22

    • Overview
    • Code
    • Homework
  • Day 23 & Day 24

    • Overview
    • Code
    • Homework
  • Day 25

    • Overview

Day 5 & 6 Overview

Day 5

  • Individually identify what HTML, CSS and JavaScript do with analogies.

  • JavaScript adds interactivity. Showed some examples (progress bars, form validation and a todo list DOM manipulation).

  • Very brief intro on what is a computer langauge.

  • JavaScript basics using an online playground.

    • Variables, data types
    • console.log
    • Arrays and dictionaries (some operations on them as well)
    • Control statements (if, while and for) with simple examples
  • Using inspect element to get a feel of the HTML, modify the nodes and CSS manually.

  • Writing JavaScript code in the console.

  • DOM in depth.

  • Simple examples of modifying the DOM using JavaScript.

  • Run through of HTML and CSS of superman_batman_theme_switcher.

  • Concept of event listeners and what are JavaScript functions.

  • Homework what is to be done, FreeCodeCamp, YouTube videos etc.

Day 6

  • Functions and Classes in depth.
  • document.getElementsByTagName(), document.getElementsById() demystified.
  • Superman Batman Theme Switcher project (see code_snippets_project).
  • Step through using Google Chrome's console and seeing the changes live.
  • Text Resizer run down in a similar fasion.

Day 7 Overview

  • Download VSCode and explore the code repo.
  • Explain about code steps.
  • Try recreating major portions of live_project_01_random_quotes. In the process
    • Tell them about Google Fonts
    • Colour schemes
  • Use inspect elements to iterate faster with HTML and CSS changes.
  • JavaScript linking and flow for project 1.
  • HTML, CSS quickly go through live_project_02_live_css_changer.
  • JavaScript breakdown
    • onchange eventlistener
    • Math.random() and Math.floor()

Day 8 Overview

  • Differences between Python and JavaScript in the browser (priviledges and access)
  • Why Python, famous companies using Python.
  • Python syntax with examples.
  • Python data structures.
  • Exploring Python using Thonny.
  • How the web works?
    • Network, IP and domains
    • What is the backend, frontend
    • Ports and web servers
    • Request and response (just communication)
    • Talking via the browser vs talking via curl
  • File server using Python SimpleHTTPServer
  • Controlling LED using a server and nodemcu.
  • Simple Flask demo with two routes.

Day 9 Overview

  • What is a REPL? Using the Python REPL.
  • Input and some operations on data structures.
  • Simple functions in Python
  • What is a CSV? Creating CSVs using Python.
  • Code organisation. Breaking code into files and folders.
  • Brief them about CodeChef, the certification and the opportunities they offer.

Day 10 Overview

  • Different types of clients (command line, web browser)
  • Clear distinction between client and server. (Client Server model)
  • Writing a few clients. Code Here
  • Basic changes in any web application (Create, Read, Update and Delete) also called CRUD.
  • Corresponding HTTP Verbs or Methods (GET, POST, PUT and DELETE).
  • HTTP Status Codes overview.
  • Google Chrome network inspection basics.
  • Revision from last class
    • IP addresses are domains
    • Port Numbers
    • Request Response Lifecycle
    • Web Servers - What are they and why do we use them instead of writing them ourselves
    • Routes from a link
  • Coding a simple backend. Writing a few endpoints and trying them out in the browser.

Day 11 Overview

  • Using Templates in Python for returning HTML.
  • Why are templates better than HTML stored as strings.
  • Reading CSVs using Python.
  • Python Jinja Templates.
  • Template with variables.
  • Templates with for loops.

Day 12 Overview

  • What is mobile responsiveness and why?
  • Use case for reset.css with a small demo.
  • Websites are nothing but boxes.
  • HTML for the site.
  • Touched upon semantic HTML.
  • What is Bootstrap and you don't need it. You can write responsive with pure HTML and CSS alone.
  • Brief intro to rem and why it's better than pixels. Less hard coding.
  • Mobile First Approach in CSS.
  • Code CSS using mobile first approach.
  • CSS Media Queries and their uses (why those breakpoints?)
  • Overwrite rules for certain devices using CSS.
  • Block elements, inline elements and inline-block.
  • li + li selector for margin spacing.
  • How to link images, CSS files within HTML. Relative paths (coming out of folders using ../)

Day 17 & 18 Overview

  • Why Bootstrap and what is it?
  • Bootstrap starter template to start coding.
  • Reading documentation and using Bootstrap (navbar example)
  • Bootstrap grid system. Thinking of websites like boxes and in terms of rows and columns.
  • rows and col in Bootstrap
  • Using different sizes like xs, sm, md and lg.
  • container class.
  • Fake text from Lorem Ipsum.
  • Utility classes like mt, mx, text-center and so on.
  • Photos from a stock photography website.
  • Jumbotron with Background image.
  • offset- and img-fluid in Bootstrap.
  • Built the website given in code snippets using Bootstrap.

Day 19 & 20 Overview

  • React.js Intro.
  • Intermingling HTML, CSS and JavaScript together.
  • Node.js vs JavaScript on the browser.
  • Brief intro to npm.
  • Creating a new React.js project using create-react-app.
  • React folder structure.
  • Creating a React Component.
  • Using Props in Components.
  • Difference between state and props.
  • E-commerce product page using state and props.
  • Using npm to install 3rd party packages.
  • Overview of package.json file.
  • Jist of the node_modules folder.
  • Creating multiple pages using react-router-dom.

Day 21 & 22 Overview

  • React Bootstrap.
  • Using normal Bootstrap classes or React Components.
  • Reading the documentation of React Bootstrap.
  • Revisited state and props, when to use props and when to use state etc.
  • Using state in input boxes (controlled components).
  • Changing state via an onChange event listener.
  • React router for login and profile pages.
  • Why Git?
  • Difference between Git and GitHub.
  • Installing Git and choosing Visual Studio Code as the default editor.
  • Git stage and commits.
  • Making a new Git repo locally, pushing it to GitHub.
  • Cloning a public repository using git clone.
  • Updating code on one's local system using git pull.

Day 23 & 24 Overview

  • Revisited Mongo. Quick overview.
  • Using a free cluster on Mongo Atlas.
  • Using a GUI tool to work your way around Mongo.
  • Basic connection using PyMongo.
  • Choosing a collection and CRUD operations on the collection using various filters.
  • Revisited IP Addresses and port number essentials.
  • Revisited HTTP Routes and methods like GET, POST, PUT and DELETE.
  • Creating RESTful routes (incomplete as of now) for a resource using Flask.

Day 25 Overview

  • Refer code from the previous day.
  • Finish RESTful routes for the resource.
  • Testing routes using Postman.
  • Methods are just conventions.
  • Interview prep and tips.