Craig Stuart Sapp

Results 220 issues of Craig Stuart Sapp

It would be useful to have `beam@enclose` and `beamSpan@enclose` available for examples such as this one: These examples are beamSpan: A question that has been discussed in some repository somewhere...

Priority: Low
Type: Feature Request

How should polymetric music be encoded in MEI? Example:

Priority: High
Component: Guidelines & Documentation
Type: Feature Request
Status: Needs Discussion

Issue highlights that there are two semantically different types of notes that currently are lumped together with `note@cue="true"`. There should be an encoding method to differentiate between these two...

Type: Feature Request
Status: Needs Decision

A few musicians have asked me about the ability to listen to only certain parts in a score during playback. This would allow them to play their part with MIDI...

Related to issue Currently there is no MIDI pitch bend capability in MEI, perhaps it should be added. The pitch-bend would work in a similar manner to the ``...

Component: Core Schema
Priority: Medium
Type: Feature Request
Status: Needs Patch

Is it currently possible to encode the following bracket in MEI? This bracket means to play all of the notes in both staves (between the brackets) with the same hand...

Type: Feature Request

Issue discusses two different styles of showing cancellation key signatures: either the cancellation can go before the new key signature, or it can go afterwards. However the ordering of...

Related to issue, how should a "3" mensuration sign be represented in MEI? Here is an example: The top staff shows the original mensural music, and the bottom staff...

The attributes `@accidlower.ges` and `@accidupper.ges` will need to be added to ornaments (such as trills, mordents, turns) to allow proper rendering of MEI data to MIDI.

As mentioned in issue, it would be useful to create the concept for grouping multiple beams into a group where the automatic stem directions are calculated for the group...