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An app that allows a Ceton InfiniTV PCI/network tuner to appear as a SiliconDust HDHomeRun to DVR apps like NextPVR, Plex, and Emby.
Hi, thanks for your work on this project! I've added a new `/lineup.m3u` endpoint which exposes the channels in a simple M3U playlist. This can be imported into a wide...
Love this app since I need it to use my cards but there seems to be a bug in how it handles memory. I used to get an out of...
Hey, folks. Firmware meets the requirements, have tried the usual reset of all devices and the app is loading at startup with channels listed. Every time I try to perform...
I am having trouble with cetonproxy showing some channels, one being the Pac-12 network. If I use the VLC trick, all I get is a network error that says it...
Ceton Proxy just kind of stopped working overnight. When a tuning request is made, it locks up in a not responding state. Occasionally, I'm lucky with VLC and after waiting...
Every time I have to restart my HTPC or the power goes out I have to manually start Ceton Proxy because it will not load automatically even though it is...
I tried downloading the HDHomeRun Windows 10 App (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/p/hdhomerun/9nblggh58vwk) to the same machine as Ceton Proxy, but the app says it can't find an HDHomeRun tuner. I think it's setup...
Cetonproxy seems to work quite well with Emby 4.5.2, although when I recently had to change my Ceton device Emby didn't auto-detect it. Fortunately I was able to add it...
Emby requires that cetonproxy listens on Port 80.
So since about two weeks ago I am unable to receive any channel stream except ABC (channel 5). Tuning any other channel shows a stream supposedly going out to the...