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Go Time-Based One Time Password.
Go Time-Based One Time Password implemention of RFC6238 (
Based on pyotp:
gototp is easy to use:
- Generate a random secret to store for a user:
// Do this somewhere early, and only once
rnd := rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())
// A secret length of 10 gives a 16 character secret key
secret := gototp.RandomSecret(10, rand.New(rand.NewSource(time.Now().Unix())))
- Create the OTP object:
// Create the OTP
otp, err := gototp.New(secret)
if nil!=err {
- Find the current TOTP code:
code := otp.Now()
// Or find the previous code and the next code
previousCode := otp.FromNow(-1)
nextCode := otp.FromNow(1)
- Generate a Google Charts URL for a QR Code of the Secret, with a label
// Google Charts URL to display a QR Code, of width (and height) 300px
url := otp.QRCodeGoogleChartsUrl("My Own TOTP", 300)