SwiftXML copied to clipboard
Simple XML parsing and serializing in Swift
Import an XML document
Import an XML document simply, and the XML structure will be converted to XMLNode
guard let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "books", withExtension: "xml") else { return }
guard let xml = XML(contentsOf: url) else { return }
Use subscripts
Use subscripts to set nodes and attributes:
xml[0][0]["title"]?.text = "Great Expectations"
xml[0][0].attributes["isbn"] = "38"
Similarly, use subscripts to get nodes and properties.
guard let title = xml[0][0]["title"]?.text,
let isbn = xml[0][0].attributes["isbn"] else {return}
print("\(title) with isbn of \(isbn)")
Create an XML node
Instantiate a node with its name, or its name and value:
let bookNode = XMLNode(name:"book")
Add child node
You can add a child node with its name and value:
bookNode.addChild(name: "title", value: "Robinson Crusoe")
Or with another XML node:
Remove child node
You can remove a child node with its index:
xml[0].removeChild(at: 1)
Serialize XML
Regenerate XML structure from your data with the XMLNode's description
//or simply:
Install SwiftXML
Drag the XML.swift file to your project
SwiftXML is Swift 4.0 compatible.