document-builder copied to clipboard
Groovy Document Builder
:version: 0.5.0
= Groovy Document Builder
A document builder for Groovy for PDF or Word documents. This is still very much a work in progress.[Documentation]
NOTE: Because of the use of Groovy traits within the project, the minimum version of Groovy required is 2.3.
== Example
@Grab(group='com.craigburke.document', module='pdf', version='{version}') @Grab(group='com.craigburke.document', module='word', version='{version}')
import com.craigburke.document.builder.PdfDocumentBuilder import com.craigburke.document.builder.WordDocumentBuilder
def builders = [ new PdfDocumentBuilder(new File('example.pdf')), new WordDocumentBuilder(new File('example.docx')) ]
String[] COLORS = ['#FF0000', '#FF7F00', '#FFFF00', '#00FF00', '#0000FF', '#4B0082', '#8B00FF']
String GROOVY_IMAGE_URL = '' byte[] groovyImageData = new URL(GROOVY_IMAGE_URL).bytes
builders.each { builder -> builder.create { document(font: [family: 'Helvetica', size:], margin: [top: 0.75.inches]) {
heading1 "Groovy Document Builder v.{version}", font: [color: '#990000', size:]
heading2 "Paragraphs"
paragraph {
font.size =
"Hello World".eachWithIndex { letter, index ->
font.color = COLORS[ index % COLORS.size() ]
text letter
text "Current font size is ${font.size}pt"
paragraph "Back to default font and aligned to the right", align: 'right'
paragraph(margin: [left: 1.25.inches, right: 1.inch, top: 0.25.inches, bottom: 0.25.inches]) {
font << [family: 'Times-Roman', bold: true, italic: true, color: '#333333']
text "A paragraph with a different font and margins"
paragraph(align: 'center') {
image(data: groovyImageData, width: 250.px, height: 125.px)
text "Figure 1: Groovy Logo", font: [italic: true, size:]
heading2 "Tables"
table(width: 6.inches, padding: 4.px, border: [size: 3.px, color: '#990000']) {
row {
cell('Left Aligned', width:1.5.inches, align:'left')
cell('Center Aligned', width:2.inches, align:'center')
cell(align:'right') {
text 'Right Aligned'
== License
The core project as well as the Word document and Pdf builder are all available under the MPL2 license.