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What is "UIBatcher" in Batcher2D.cs's class comment ?
The class comment of Batcher2D.cs mentions a UIBatcher for drawing user interfaces. I am interested in that but can't find anything like that in this repository.
/// <summary>
/// A general purpose <see cref="Batcher{TDrawCallInfo}" /> for two-dimensional geometry that change
/// frequently between frames such as sprites and shapes.
/// </summary>
/// <seealso cref="IDisposable" />
/// <remarks>
/// <para>For drawing user interfaces, consider using <see cref="UIBatcher(ref Matrix, ref Matrix, BlendState, SamplerState, DepthStencilState, RasterizerState, Effect)" /> instead because it supports scissor rectangles.</para>
/// </remarks>
Hello @Dante3085
Nice catch. This is a great example of how comments (including the XML Docs) can become out of sync with the code. I'll admit I'm pretty sure I wrote that XML Doc when I didn't know better. This comment is specifically more about me talking to myself; it should have never really been committed.
The idea for the UIBatcher
fell short in the end. Turns out that for games, using sprites is just fine for most UI needs.
Hi @lithiumtoast
Thank you for the reply! Should I leave the issue open for when you fix the comment?
Yes, I'll close it when the comment is removed.