calcium icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
calcium copied to clipboard

A ascii/text game library

Results 8 calcium issues
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start using pydoc3

+ ~line~ + ~rectangle~ + oval with fill or not


- ~when active the screen flashes in a specific frequency~ - border screen - to put border in screen - reflexion effect (vertical/horizontal)

Hello, the example _platform_system.py_ use a module called `arcade`. This module does not exists (_platform_system.py_ raise an `ImportError`). What about this module ? Is it a an aborted feature ?...

This method doesn't checks if a sprite is completely inside another

search applications made in calcium in github and download them and play them without manually clone or something like that maybe search projects that are using a "calcium-app" tag? (is...


This can be made with "core effects". An effect to be applied to sprites called RotateEffect (the same to scale) this is more fast than PIL.rotate? (benchmark this)