> Do you remember if you tried to download a folder very quickly after searching for something? Usually not. Latest occurence (today) was a search with only two results. I...
> Is there an "Already downloaded..." line in the Transfers log? Nothing that matches.. only the normal "started" and "finished" lines.
I dont't want this to be a stalling issue, as it seems that the core cause is that sometimes the folder contents request does not succeed. Which may be an...
> A status bar message should be sufficient. This error has a similar importance to that of "Already downloaded" for example. Agreed, that would be good and not be very...
After some days this is my experience. - When this issue happens, now it seems that even if only one file is added to the queue, after some time the...
> The remote path is available in the file properties dialog (right-click a row -> file properties, or Alt+Return). Thanks for the tip. Sure, the info its available, but not...
I'm _thinking out loud_ here: > There isn't enough space to show both the download and remote path at the same time. Colummns can be hidden/shown. A new column like...
Are you using "master" branch? if so, then i guess it cant be installed then... The "next" branch (which is an experimental rewrite of the functionality) uses "user_id" for that...
> I have not actually tested this, but maybe it could work by altering schema step 0 to create the table with the correct column name (user_id), and somehow make...
@semanticfire can you test this pull request: #46 to address this issue