site copied to clipboard
- [P2697R1 Interfacing `bitset` with `string_view`](
- [P1759R6 Native handles and file streams](
- [P2641R4 Checking if a `union` alternative is active](
- [P2637R3 Member `visit`](
- [P2757R3 Type checking format args](
- [P1885R12 Naming Text Encodings to Demystify Them](
- [P1901R2 Enabling the Use of `weak_ptr` as Keys in Unordered Associative Containers](
- [P2363R5 Extending associative containers with the remaining heterogeneous overloads](
- [P2510R3 Formatting pointers](
- [P2495R3 Interfacing `stringstream`s with `string_view`](