spark-drools-example copied to clipboard
A simple example of how to integrate drools into an Apache Spark job
#Spark Drools Example#
(Work In Progress)
This project shows a simple example of how to integrate drools into an Apache Spark job. The steps are pretty simple:
- Load a knowledge base using any sources supported by drools
- Broadcast the knowledge base to all workers
- Use the broadcasted rules within the process
Broadcasting the rules ensures that they are only loaded and compiled once, sent to workers in their compiled form, and then reused throughout the job.
##Setup## The included Vagrantfile( will spin up a VM with spark and a Java 1.8 build environment.
In the project's top-level directory, run the following commands:
vagrant up
vagrant ssh
If you are unable to ssh on your machine, make sure the ssh server is started.
Once ssh'ed into vagrant you can run this example by doing the following:
cd /vagrant
mvn package
/opt/spark-1.4.1-bin-hadoop2.6/bin/spark-submit --class "com.awesome.App" --master local[4] target/SparkDroolsExample-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar