quick-peek icon indicating copy to clipboard operation
quick-peek copied to clipboard

Quick-peek inline-window library for Emacs

Results 5 quick-peek issues
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When display-line-numbers-mode is enabled in Emacs 26, the borders are no longer thin lines etc.; all lines within the quick-peek-popup will have the same height. Is this something that is...

Hi, I noticed the position argument wasn't used and always defaulted to the start of line. With this PR the default behaviour from before is unchanged but one can also...

I have made some changes so `quick-peek` can display header and footer message. See screenshot below, ![Image 1](https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/8685505/104428730-c492c680-55bf-11eb-9773-a2a05211bcab.png) I think this would be great if this is built-in to this...

This makes it easier for humans and tools to determine the license of the code.

I am working on `lsp-mode` and I want to use the library for displaying lenses (https://camo.githubusercontent.com/348d682e4a4cc1f84e8571a9488c2087ae754c88/68747470733a2f2f692e696d6775722e636f6d2f437846506f50472e706e67) this would require changes to `quick-peek` to support that option(e. g. removing the spacers)....