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[Health 4.0.0] Write Mindfulness error Could not cast value of type 'HKCategoryType' (0x23f899338) to 'HKQuantityType' (0x23f899310)
Hello! Faced this issue in last builds with healthkit 4.0.0 ios deployment target 13.0, device ios version 15.5
Could not cast value of type 'HKCategoryType' (0x23f899338) to 'HKQuantityType' (0x23f899310).
Could not cast value of type 'HKCategoryType' (0x23f899338) to 'HKQuantityType' (0x23f899310).
* thread #1, queue = 'com.apple.main-thread', stop reason = signal SIGABRT
frame #0: 0x000000021db7ab38 libsystem_kernel.dylib`__pthread_kill + 8
-> 0x21db7ab38 <+8>: b.lo 0x21db7ab58 ; <+40>
0x21db7ab3c <+12>: pacibsp
0x21db7ab40 <+16>: stp x29, x30, [sp, #-0x10]!
0x21db7ab44 <+20>: mov x29, sp
Target 0: (Runner) stopped.
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! Doctor found issues in 1 category.
code sample:
// create a HealthFactory for use in the app
final HealthFactory _health = HealthFactory();
// define the types to get
final _types = [
final _permissions = [HealthDataAccess.WRITE];
writeMindfulness(int seconds) {
final requestResult2 = await HealthFactory.hasPermissions(_types, permissions: _permissions);
if (requestResult2) {
try {
//tried to pass 0 - worked later, now 0 or N return the same thing
seconds / 60,
.millisecondsSinceEpoch -
Duration(seconds: seconds).inMilliseconds)),
} catch(e){
log("writeMindfulness ERROR $e");
the mindfulness minutes doesn’t appear in the health app
I have the same issue.
The bug is in SwiftHealthPlugin
in line 267.
if (unitLookUp(key: type) == HKUnit.init(from: "")) {
sample = HKCategorySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKCategoryType, value: Int(value), start: dateFrom, end: dateTo)
} else {
let quantity = HKQuantity(unit: unitDict[unit]!, doubleValue: value)
sample = HKQuantitySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKQuantityType, quantity: quantity, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo)
Line 718 says
dataTypesDict[MINDFULNESS] = HKSampleType.categoryType(forIdentifier: .mindfulSession)!
@bardram would you know how to fix this bug?
managed to make it work for sleep by changing to this code
`var sample: HKObject? if (unitLookUp(key: type) == HKUnit.init(from: "")) { sample = HKCategorySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKCategoryType, value: Int(value), start: dateFrom, end: dateTo) } else { let quantity = HKQuantity(unit: unitDict[unit]!, doubleValue: value)
switch type {
if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) {
sample = HKCategorySample(
type: categoryType,
value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.asleep.rawValue,
start: dateFrom,
end: dateTo
if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) {
sample = HKCategorySample(
type: categoryType,
value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.awake.rawValue,
start: dateFrom,
end: dateTo
if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) {
sample = HKCategorySample(
type: categoryType,
value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.inBed.rawValue,
start: dateFrom,
end: dateTo
sample = HKQuantitySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKQuantityType, quantity: quantity, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo)
if let sample = sample {
HKHealthStore().save(sample, withCompletion: { (success, error) in
if let err = error {
print("Error Saving \(type) Sample: \(err.localizedDescription)")
DispatchQueue.main.async {
else {
print("Error Saving \(type) Sample is null")
you can add a new case ofr mindfulness
managed to make it work for sleep by changing to this code
`var sample: HKObject? if (unitLookUp(key: type) == HKUnit.init(from: "")) { sample = HKCategorySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKCategoryType, value: Int(value), start: dateFrom, end: dateTo) } else { let quantity = HKQuantity(unit: unitDict[unit]!, doubleValue: value)
switch type { case SLEEP_ASLEEP: if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) { sample = HKCategorySample( type: categoryType, value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.asleep.rawValue, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo ) } case SLEEP_AWAKE: if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) { sample = HKCategorySample( type: categoryType, value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.awake.rawValue, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo ) } case SLEEP_IN_BED: if let categoryType = HKObjectType.categoryType(forIdentifier: HKCategoryTypeIdentifier.sleepAnalysis) { sample = HKCategorySample( type: categoryType, value: HKCategoryValueSleepAnalysis.inBed.rawValue, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo ) } default: sample = HKQuantitySample(type: dataTypeLookUp(key: type) as! HKQuantityType, quantity: quantity, start: dateFrom, end: dateTo) } } if let sample = sample { HKHealthStore().save(sample, withCompletion: { (success, error) in if let err = error { print("Error Saving \(type) Sample: \(err.localizedDescription)") } DispatchQueue.main.async { result(success) } }) } else { print("Error Saving \(type) Sample is null") }
you can add a new case ofr mindfulness
Not working, dataTypeLookUp(key: type)
return a object with type HKCategoryType
FYI as a workaround, I've created a plugin just for mindful minutes
FYI as a workaround, I've created a plugin just for
mindful minutes
: https://pub.dev/packages/mindful_minutes
I tried it, iOS 16 is not supported.
@lau1944 what do you mean? I'm using it in a production app and just checked, the app successfully writes mindful minutes on the latest iOS version.
@nohli the requestPermission
method did not navigate to any permission page, and always return false.
@lau1944 but do you see the app under Settings - Privacy & Security - Health, with disabled toggles? On iOS, it asks only one time and then the user has to manually edit permissions in iOS settings (just checked with other apps) This behavior was prior to iOS 16.
@nohli I could not iOS sample on the repo, can you send me what you declare on info.plis?
@lau1944 let me google that for you:
<string>Some explanation</string>
Thanks !