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Simple HTTP server for testing HTML5 media with rate limiting and simulation of live streaming


A simple HTTP server for testing HTML5 media under rate-limited or live-streaming conditions.

BUILDING: Compile on Linux using the script, or on Windows using with the Visual Studio project HttpMediaServer.sln.

USAGE: Just run the HttpMediaServer executable, and all files in the working directory and (child folders) will be served.

On Windows the server runs on port 80, and port 8080 on Linux.

To serve files with rate limiting, append a query parameter rate=N to the URL, where N is the rate in KB/s, e.g.: http://localhost:80/video.webm?rate=200 serves video.webm at 200KB/s

To simulate a live stream, append a query parameter "live" to the URL, e.g.: http://localhost:80/video.webm?live

To simulate the round trip delay, append a query parameter "delay=N" to the URL, where N is the delay in milliseconds, e.g.: http://localhost:80/video.webm?delay=200 will wait 200 ms before sending.

Live streams are served without HTTP1.1 byte ranges being supported, and without a Content-Length HTTP header.

These query parameters can of course be combined, e.g.: http://localhost:80/video.webm?live&rate=200