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This is the official DeVIDE project site:
``` First make a reproducer, for example by putting text files in the same dir as dicom files. Then kill error dialog. ``` Original issue reported on by `cpbotha`...
``` slice3dVWR needs clipping planes. This is very basic functionality. ``` Original issue reported on by `cpbotha` on 15 Jul 2010 at 9:51
``` The slice3dVWR tool needs a distance measurement tool: Multiple clicks results in a polyline with measurements along each segment, as well as the total. ``` Original issue reported on...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Open a dvn I would really appreciate an option to select whether the dialogs of the modules in the scheme will be...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. Open a coderunner What is the expected output? What do you see instead? vtk-support loaded, matplotlib support loaded. You see no matplotlib...
``` The watershed module is able to change its pipeline depending on the pixel type, but due to the fixed dimensionality of the relabel filter, breaks if you switch to...
``` What steps will reproduce the problem? 1. create a slice3dVWR and a coderunner (can be empty). 2. press crtl-n / do file->new 3. try to make a slice3dVWR What...
``` Right now, the contour node supports the extraction of a contour at a given level ( self._config.iso_value ). A useful feature of vtkContourFilter is the GenerateValues( n_contours, (start, stop))...
``` There are no good reasons anymore for the slice3dVWR to be so strict about matching image datasets. These can in principle still be easily overlaid. Modify slice3dVWR to support...
``` Implement an script (optionally with wx gui) that will update only the DeVIDE python code given a certain base DRE. So for example DeVIDE 9.8.3784 can be updated...