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wsMeshSmooth crashes DeVIDE
What steps will reproduce the problem?
1. load the attached network
2. run the network
3. DeVIDE crashes
What version of the product are you using? On what operating system?
DeVIDE v12.2.D on Ubuntu 11.10 64Bit
Please provide any additional information below.
Output from commandline:
STARTING network execute ----------------------------
Tue Mar 20 12:18:26 2012
### sched: vtpRDR
?? mod > exec? : 9 0
executing part 0 of vtpRDR
vtkXMLPolyDataReader: Reading VTK PolyData: 0.00
vtkXMLPolyDataReader: Reading VTK PolyData [DONE]: 100.00
exec stamped: 10
### streaming sched: vtkQuadricDecimation
?? transfer? ttime 0 < executetime 10
transferring output: vtpRDR:0 to vtkQuadricDecimation:0
?? mod > touch? : 12 0
streaming touch stamped: 13
### streaming sched: vtkExtractEdges
?? streaming transfer? ttime 0 < touchtime 13
streaming transferring output: vtkQuadricDecimation:0 to vtkExtractEdges:0
?? mod > exec? : 15 0
streaming executing part 0 of vtkExtractEdges
vtkQuadricDecimation: Processing. [DONE]: 100.00
vtkExtractEdges: Processing. [DONE]: 100.00
streaming exec stamped: 16
streaming touch stamped: 17
### sched: wsMeshSmooth
?? transfer? ttime 0 < executetime 16
transferring output: vtkExtractEdges:0 to wsMeshSmooth:0
?? mod > exec? : 19 0
executing part 0 of wsMeshSmooth
vtkWindowedSincPolyDataFilter: Smoothing polydata [DONE]: 100.00
Original issue reported on by ceeswillem
on 20 Mar 2012 at 11:20