CVE-2020-15778 copied to clipboard
PoC wih authorized_keys
Could you provide an OpenSSH authorized_keys that allow such injections?
Tried on Debian 10.7 with OpenSSH_7.9p1 and all attempts of restricting actions in authorize_keys with command=""
results in the englobing of special characters such as backticks with simple quotes (seen by debugging with bash -x). Output of scp:
scp -v abc user@remote:'`touch pwned`/home/user/content/abc'
Sending file modes: C0644 6 abc
Sink: C0644 6 abc
scp: `touch pwned`/home/user/content/abc: No such file or directory
It does not look exploitable to me at least on the indicated versions.
Have not checked with authorized key. Checked with password based authentication only.
Can you mention your command statement here?